RubyGems Navigation menu


air18n 0.5.1

Rails plugin with dyanmic I18n backend for good internationalization.

382,816 下载

air18n_ui 0.0.6

Translation interface for air18n.

14,265 下载

airac 1.0.3

Calculations for AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) cycles.

26,056 下载

airake 0.4.5

Tasks and generators for Adobe AIR apps

173,914 下载

airavata 0.0.2

The Apache Airavata Ruby SDK for third party clients to integrate with Airavata middleware

3,433 下载

airbadger 0.1.0

To ease the transition when trying out a new error monitoring service, Airbadger can re...

19,961 下载

airbased 0.0.1.pre.alpha

Ruby interface to the Airtable’s API.

121 下载

airbed 0.0.1

airbed makes camping restful

6,601 下载

airblade 0.0.2

You don't want to type with wet hands, but you're not near any towels. What to do? Use ...

7,623 下载

airblade-acts-as-importable 1.0.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

16,121 下载

airblade-fyi 1.0.1

Be informed about task execution.

14,246 下载

airblade-mysql_s3_backup 0.0.4

A simple backup script for Mysql and S3 with incremental backups.

17,245 下载

airblade-paper_trail 1.1.1

Track changes to your models' data. Good for auditing or versioning.

11,045 下载

airblade-right_aws 1.10.0

Interface classes for the Amazon EC2/EBS, SQS, S3, SDB, and ACF Web Services

4,309 下载

airblade-sitemap_generator 0.3.5

A Rails 3-compatible gem/plugin to generate enterprise-class Sitemaps using a familiar ...

11,638 下载

airblade-Sphincter 1.1.1

Sphincter uses Dmytro Shteflyuk's sphinx Ruby API and automatic configuration to make t...

7,620 下载

airbnb 0.0.2

A Ruby interface to the Airbnb API.

5,118 下载

airbnb_api 0.2.6

API Client for Airbnb API

12,292 下载

airbnb_core 8.0.0

Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team

5,789 下载

airbnb_logger 8.0.0

Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team

6,198 下载

airbnb-ruby-prof 0.0.1

ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...

2,943 下载

airborne 0.3.7

RSpec driven API testing framework

8,403,194 下载

airborne_report 0.2.0

This gem gives you RSpec formatters which let you generate HTML and JSON reports if you...

5,231 下载

airbox 0.1.0

ActiveResource extension to easily access and manipulate objects from Airbrake's report...

4,982 下载

airbrake 13.0.4

Airbrake is an online tool that provides robust exception tracking in any of your Ruby ...

43,353,772 下载

airbrake-api 4.6.1

A ruby wrapper for the Airbrake API

110,460 下载

airbrake_cleanup 1.2.0

Allow to clean up all errors of an Airbrake account

15,154 下载

airbrake-extended 0.0.8

Instance variables from the raised exception are included as parameters in the Airbrake...

15,999 下载

airbrake-faraday_sender 0.1.1

Airbrake sender implementation usign Faraday. Faraday's pluggable backends allow Airbra...

7,585 下载

airbrake_handler 0.5.0

Chef handler for sending exceptions to Airbrake

1,030,885 下载