RubyGems Navigation menu


akatus 1.0.2

Built to support all types of checkout integration between Akatus and your application

15,690 下载

akatus-rails 1.0.2

Rails goodies for integrating Akatus with your application. Built on top of the Akatus ...

11,940 下载

akatus-rb 0.0.1

Client de integração para Akatus Meios de Pagamento

4,648 下载

akaynak 0.0

This gem is for getting currency data from

4,060 下载

akaza 0.3.2

A cool Whitespace language implementation in Ruby.

11,278 下载

akcache 2.0.1

a cache tool that can reduce xcode archive time

10,186 下载

akc_dog_breeds 0.1.0

Users can see which dog breeds are in each American Kennel Club groups and get more d...

2,284 下载

akchabar 0.1.1

API consumer for Returns USD/KGS, EUR/KGS, KZT/KGS, RUR/KGS, ...

6,775 下载


A slim CouchDB client.

24,323 下载

akdubya-mapel 0.1.4

A dead-simple image-rendering DSL.

7,656 下载

akdubya-rack-thumb 0.2.2

Drop-in image thumbnailing middleware for your Rack stack (Merb, Sinatra, Rails, etc).

4,247 下载

ake 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

2,411 下载

Akeel 0.0.2

A simple hello world gem

10,715 下载

akeel_sir 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

5,398 下载

akelius 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,316 下载

akeneo 1.8.0

API client for accessing Akeneo

28,146 下载

akephalos 0.2.5

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

124,206 下载

akephalos2 2.1.3

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

141,744 下载

akephalos-2s 0.2.4

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

6,635 下载


Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara. Includes latest change from ner...

6,192 下载

akephalos-nerian 0.2.4

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

12,239 下载

aker 3.0.4

A flexible authentication and authorization framework for Rack applications.

44,140 下载

aker-cas_cli 1.0.0

Provides an Aker-compatible way to acquire CAS proxy tickets in a non-interactive conte...

6,112 下载

aker-confident 0.1.1


5,795 下载


R10K provides a general purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules. ...

1,799 下载

akero 1.1.1

Easy peer-to-peer public key cryptography

27,841 下载

aker-rails 3.0.2

Easy Rails integration for the Aker security framework

25,268 下载

akeyless 4.2.4

The purpose of this application is to provide access to Akeyless API.

41,176 下载

akezurel_scrape 0.0.0

Softspec KU lab subject assignment that scrapes a stock market url.

1,792 下载

akido_lib 0.2.0

Description of AkidoLib.

2,371 下载