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albanpeignier-gepetto 0.0.7

A helper suite for Puppet projects to create, manage and help daily development More i...

23,930 下载

albanpeignier-munin 0.0.1

The munin gem provides a base class to create munin plugins in ruby.

4,224 下载

albanpeignier-rake-debian-build 1.0.5

Rake tasks to build debian packages

17,584 下载

albanpeignier-ruby-managesieve 0.3.1

ruby-managesieve is a pure-ruby implementation of the MANAGESIEVE protocol, allowing re...

4,258 下载

albanpeignier-searchapi 0.1

Ruby on Rails plugin which purpose is to let the developper define Search APIs for Acti...

4,215 下载

albanpeignier-system-builder 0.0.2

FIX (describe your package)

4,212 下载

albeano 1.1.0

Albeano lets you to write language specifics code snippets within text and returns Pygm...

11,161 下载

alberich 0.2.0

Alberich is a model-integrated permissions engine that allows access control, and list ...

5,077 下载

albertbw_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2,458 下载

albertoms_palindrome 0.3.2

Was it a car or a cat I saw? — A palindrome detector.

9,296 下载

al_bhed 0.1.3

Translator for Al Bhed language in FINAL FANTASY X

7,241 下载

albino 1.3.3

Ruby wrapper for pygmentize.

694,267 下载

albion-api 0.2.2

This is a gem that wraps the Albion Online API.

10,897 下载

albizia 0.0.1

A simple gem implementing different kind of tree structures

26,116 下载

alblogs 0.1.8

Utility script for processing ALB access logs over a given time range

9,571 下载

albmmkr 0.0.6

Will sort a directory of media files into albums, based on exif and date.

9,198 下载

albopunkaldi_palindrome 0.2.2

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

1,728 下载

alb-test 10.1.15

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

27,069 下载

album_credits 0.1.1

Searches databases for a given artist + album combination and returns recording enginee...

21,985 下载

album_generator 0.1.2

The logic for this gem is based on the rules from:

2,939 下载

album_shuffle 0.1.0

Outputs a list of shuffled music directories. Assumes your music is already organized i...

4,835 下载

album_theme 0.1.1

Theme for Albums' Covers Archive

3,414 下载

alc 0.0.1

Use SPACE ALC ( from command line.

6,385 下载

alcapon 0.4.22

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

110,415 下载

alcatraz 0.0.1

i am waiting to upload this

6,928 下载

alcatraz-client 0.0.6

A client library for the Alcatraz PCI-compliant data store.

20,792 下载

alc-cmd 0.0.5

Command-line tool to translate English to Japanese

18,138 下载

a_lcdnumbers 1.0.0

Number converter

3,812 下载

alch 2.1.2

A simple way to determine alch prices on Oldschool Runescape

21,041 下载

alchemia 0.0.1

Plugin framework for building AltCSS in Ruby

4,193 下载