RubyGems Navigation menu


alligator 0.1.0


2,886 下载

all_images 0.5.0

A script that runs a script in all of the configured docker images

33,976 下载

allinone 0.0.2

Makes it possible to serve multiple sites from the same app

4,066 下载

allinoneaccessibility 0.0.3

All in One Accessibility widget improves Ruby website ADA compliance and browser experi...

703 下载

allinoneruby 0.2.11

A "Just-in-Time and Temporary Installation of Ruby"

59,695 下载

allinpay 0.1.2

Allinpay payment client

4,813 下载

allin-sdk-ruby 4.0.0

Ruby SDK for Allin integration

9,018 下载

allison 2.0.3

A modern, pretty RDoc template.

568,848 下载

allmenus 0.0.2

A ruby client for the allmenus API

8,134 下载

all_my_circuits 0.2.0

Circuit Breaker library with support for rolling-window absolute/percentage thresholds

23,755 下载

alloader 0.0.22

Load or Require all files in the folder.

15,065 下载

alloc 0.0.0


3,928 下载

alloc8 0.0.3

Simple distributed resource allocation using Redis. Alloc8::Tor.with_resource do ...

15,281 下载

allocate 2.0.2

Allocate requests memory by means of the C function malloc and can release this memory ...

4,755 下载

allocations 1.0.5

Tracking of retained objects in CRuby

1,912,320 下载

allocation_sampler 1.0.0

A sampling allocation profiler. This keeps track of allocations, but only on specified...

2,743 下载

allocation_stats 0.1.5

Tooling for tracing object allocations in Ruby 2.1

670,359 下载

allocation_tracer 0.6.3

allocation_tracer gem adds ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer module.

568,170 下载

allocine 0.4.2

Get data about movies and shows on

17,031 下载

allocine_api 1.5.0

Easily use Ruby to find information on allocine API.

10,540 下载

allocine_parser 1.6.1

Easily use Ruby to find information on allocine API.

18,809 下载

alloc_track 0.0.3

tracks memory allocations with rgengc in ruby 2.1

31,906 下载

allora 0.1.10

Allora (Italian for "at that time") provides a replacement for the classic UNIX ...

64,761 下载

allorails 0.5.3

Ruby/Rails client for the Allopass online payment API

30,658 下载

allotment 1.1.0

Recording performance simple, powerful and flexible.

38,949 下载

allow 0.0.1

A very small authorization library.

5,784 下载

allowable 1.1.0

Filter hash keys based on allowed and forbidden values.

247,450 下载

allowance 0.2.0

A general-use permission management library with support for ActiveModel.

32,629 下载

allowed 0.2.1

Throttling of ActiveRecord model creations.

39,661 下载

allowed_params 0.0.4

Allow to filter and validate params on rails controllers

14,569 下载