RubyGems Navigation menu


all_access 0.0.1

Your class is really a bag of attributes

3,768 下载

allages 0.1.0

A rails gem to help with keeping a changelog for teams while minimizing git conflict is...

2,801 下载

allballs 0.2.0

Adds `allballs` alias because Why not?

1,251 下载

all_countries 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3,667 下载

all_crypt 0.0.1

A gem that collects all necessary hashing algorithms, AES and Base64 all together

4,802 下载

allegro 0.0.0pre3

a pure ruby blog system based on cloudhead's toto

12,161 下载

allegro4r 0.0.1

Ruby binding for the Allegro game programming library as well as more stuff

11,873 下载

allegro-api 0.0.4

Simple API REST client for

8,699 下载

allegro_api_client 0.0.9

Just a small wrapper around httpparty to make our lives easier

29,996 下载

allegrojm-string_extend 0.0.4

string_extend adds useful features to the String class

4,227 下载

allegro_release 0.1.16

A command line tools to release module easily.

40,425 下载

allegro_rest_api 0.1.0

Simple API REST client for using device auth

1,152 下载

allegro-webapi 0.0.1

Api wrapper for allegro webapi written in ruby. Make it supereasy to interact with alle...

4,797 下载

allejest 0.0.2

Powiadamia e-mailem o dostępności przedmiotów na allegro.

11,579 下载

allen 0.3.4

Quickly build and manage Umbraco projects

45,628 下载

allenninja_palindrome 0.1.2

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

6,134 下载

allenstone_palindrome 0.3.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

1,976 下载

allenwei-railroad 0.7.8

RailRoad is a class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications.

6,969 下载

alley 0.1.0

Alley makes it easy to interact with Shortcut V3 API by providing a modular, intuit...

405 下载

all_futures 1.0.3

A Redis-backed virtual ActiveModel, full of possibilities.

12,423 下载

all-gem 0.2.0

Run various versions of command provided by gem

2,762 下载

allgems 0.0.1

AllGems is a tool to provide comprehensive gem documentation for an entire index

6,559 下载

allgood 0.3.0

Define custom health checks for your app (as in: are there any new users in the past 24...

14,262 下载

allgravy 0.1.6

By providing an email address and a size, in pixels, allgravy will return an avatar fro...

25,031 下载

all_green 0.0.2

Run all your test suites (rspec, cucumber, rails unit tests and more...) using one command

9,705 下载

allhomes_xml 0.1.2

Allows easy generation of the XML feed by passing in property attribute...

15,667 下载

alligator 0.1.0


2,912 下载

all_images 0.6.0

A script that runs a script in all of the configured docker images

60,412 下载

allinone 0.0.2

Makes it possible to serve multiple sites from the same app

4,094 下载

allinoneaccessibility 0.0.3

All in One Accessibility widget improves Ruby website ADA compliance and browser experi...

747 下载