RubyGems Navigation menu


amazonian 0.2.0

Easy to use ruby module for the Amazon Product Advertising API

21,086 下载

amazon-iap 0.3.0

Verify Amazon in app purchases

41,693 下载

amazon-iap2 0.2

Verify Amazon in app purchases with IAP 2

33,536 下载

amazon-instance 0.1.0

A tool for creating new Amazon EC2 instances. It allows you to organize your instances ...

11,157 下载

amazon_kdp 0.0.0

amazon_kdp is the best

2,507 下载

amazon-kinesis-client-ruby 1.0.1

Amazon Kinesis Client Library for Ruby

17,987 下载

AmazonMarketplace 0.2.0

Rails ready gem for Marketplace Transactions using Amazon Simple Pay.

11,690 下载

amazon-mws 0.1.0

A Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API

6,610 下载

amazon-mws-plus 0.1.3

A Ruby Wrapper for the Amazon MWS API

3,444 下载

amazon_mws_products 0.0.3

A client for AmazonMWS Products API

12,861 下载

amazon_order 0.3.0

Scrape information of amazon orders

15,656 下载

amazon_pa_api 1.0.2

The purpose of this gem is to make use of Amazon Product Advertising API and pull easil...

17,156 下载

amazonparser 0.0.1

Amazon item lookup parser powered by Vacuum

2,779 下载

amazon_pay 2.6.1

AmazonPay Ruby SDK

495,482 下载

amazon-pay-api-sdk-ruby 1.2.0

AmazonPay Ruby SDK

571 下载

amazon_pay_sdk_ruby 2.0.2

AmazonPay Ruby SDK

8,804 下载

amazon-pricing 0.1.144

A Ruby library for retrieving pricing for Amazon Web Services

2,693,481 下载

amazon_product 3.0.1

Amazon Product is a Ruby wrapper to the Amazon Product Advertising API.

17,314 下载

amazon-product-advertising-api 0.2.1

A nice rubyish interface to the Amazon Product Advertising API, formerly known as the A...

35,486 下载

amazon-product-advertising-api-prezjordan 0.2.2

A nice rubyish interface to the Amazon Product Advertising API (MODIFIED to handle Resp...

5,068 下载

amazon_product_api 0.1.0

An extremely minimal client for Amazon Product Advertising REST API

5,719 下载

amazon_purchases_ledger 0.0.1

Takes and Amazon orders csv and items csv as input. Generates and output csv suitable f...

2,493 下载

amazon_report 0.0.1

amazon affiliate

5,171 下载

amazon-review 0.0.1

A simple gem to parse Amazon product reviews

4,207 下载

amazon-ruby 0.0.3

A Ruby wrapper for the Amazon Advertising API

14,897 下载

amazon_s3 0.0.2

Using amazon_s3 you can directly upload and download files from amazon s3 buckets

7,116 下载

amazon_s3_index_proxy 1.0.0

Proxies a page stored on s3 through the Rails app. Also takes care of caching.

2,995 下载

amazon-s3-uri 0.1.1

Helps parse a S3 URL and get its region, bucket and key

4,453 下载

amazon_sdb 0.6.7

A ruby wrapper to Amazon's sdb service

21,872 下载

amazon-search 1.4.4

Simple screenscraper to search Amazon and return product titles, urls, image href, etc.

57,113 下载