RubyGems Navigation menu


angle 0.0.1

Angle Framework

2,612 下载

angles 0.0.3

Encapsulates angles in Ruby. Easily switch between degrees and radians. Output in human...

6,840 下载

anglicize 0.1.0

Converts strings from American spelling to English spelling and vice versa.

12,514 下载

angostura 0.6.0

Add dependency setup hook to components easily.

38,858 下载

angou 0.0.1

Irreversible encrypter

4,196 下载

angradb 1.0

A gem that makes a tcp connection with Angradb and allows operations related with it

2,435 下载

angry_hash 0.3.4

A stabler mash with different emphases. Used in plus2 projects AngryMob and Igor.

70,878 下载

angry_mob 0.1.0

AngryMob is the automated system configuration component of YesMaster. It combines con...

6,065 下载

angry_mob_common_targets 0.1.0

AngryMob Common Targets are a set of essential, reusable targets to get you started wit...

6,106 下载

angry-pickle 0.2.0

Growl integration with Cucumber's pretty-print output.

15,491 下载

angry_raise 0.0.1

raise exceptions, with emotion and intensity

2,525 下载

angryrock 0.0.1

Rock Paper Scissors Game

5,340 下载

angry_shell 0.0.2


10,738 下载

angsa 0.1.3

The Angsa gem is a server-side tool for Ruby on Rails applications that provides pagina...

1,626 下载

angstrom 0.5.0

Angstrom is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in style...

5,660 下载

ang_ttt_gem 1.0.8

A Tic Tac Toe game made by Angeleah

42,865 下载

angular2-rails 2.0.0

This gem is not longer maintained and i suggest to use angular2 with webpack (npm) or w...

8,041 下载

angular_automation 1.0.10

Collection of angular automation gems.

99,198 下载

angular-clipboard 0.1.0

angular-clipboard.js Copy text to clipboard by clicking a button, without using Flash

3,261 下载

angular_config 0.3.0

Manage configuration in minified/uglified Angular apps by swapping out cryptographicall...

2,960 下载

angular_csrf 0.1.6

Extends Rails CSRF protection to play nicely with AngularJS.

34,144 下载

angular-csrf-cookie-rails 0.1.0

Zero-Configuration XSRF protection with Rails and AngularJS

5,450 下载

angular-dragdrop-rails 1.0.2

angular-dragdrop-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline

10,183 下载

angular-dynamic-locale-rails 0.1.30

Module to be able to change the locale at an angularjs application

3,351 下载

angular-faye-rails 0.2.0

Angular + Faye, packaged for Rails assets pipeline

25,992 下载


Includes an AngularJS Directive for uploading files as an asset in the Rails Asset Pipe...

20,275 下载

angular-float-box 0.1.4

Framework for building a mobile responsive angular CRUD container with layouts for crea...

11,319 下载

angular_form_validation 0.1.8

Implement easily angular validation via form_for and form_tag helpers

13,558 下载

angular-gem 1.3.8

Include Angularjs in rails and nothing more (ripped from angular-rails)

199,214 下载

angular_gettext 0.1.3

A twine formatter for angular gettext's .POs

10,689 下载