RubyGems Navigation menu


apiculture 0.2.2

A toolkit for building REST APIs on top of Rack

67,118 下载

apidae 1.4.7

To be completed

250,659 下载

apidae-engine-rails 0.1.0

To be completed

2,769 下载

apiday 0.1.0

This is a demo ruby gem on aiit enpit project.

4,124 下载

api_def 1.0.2

Ruby DSL based API definition tool.

10,148 下载

api_demo_v1 0.1.3

Its a gem for API helper functionalities

4,247 下载

api_deploy 0.1.0

can also be run as a server

2,875 下载

apidiesel 0.15

Build API clients through an expressive DSL

49,737 下载

api_diff 0.3.4

Bring APIs into an easily diff-able format

10,266 下载

apidoc 0.1.3

Minimalist API documentation generator for Rack applications.

19,000 下载

api_doc 0.0.11

Automatically generates API documentation from RSpec tests

17,757 下载

api_doc_generation 0.4.3

generate rails api document

48,637 下载

apidoco 1.6.4

Document Rest APIs.

100,210 下载

apidoco_dsl 0.1.1

Provides a block-based DSL for apidoco similar to ApiPie

3,795 下载

apidocs 0.0.5

Rails engine that will generate and serve docs for your APIs if you documented your con...

17,147 下载

api_docs 1.0.6

Generate API documentation using integration tests in Ruby on Rails

49,219 下载

api_docs_engine 0.1.3

API documentation engine for Rails 4 with Postgres and Bootstrap

13,541 下载

api_doc_server 1.0.1

Mountable Rails engine that serves API Docs for your Swagger/OpenAPI docs.

4,969 下载

apidoc_to_gfm 0.0.2

The template supports GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM)

5,013 下载

api-document-generator 0.0.8

Shushi first gem!

10,330 下载

api_doc_viewer 0.3.2

Displays the documentation generated by the rspec_api_documentation gem

16,030 下载

apidone-client 0.0.3 ruby api client

13,314 下载

api-download 0.0.1

Download mp3 from

5,566 下载

apidragon 1.8.0

Ruby based CLI for accessing veracode's api

72,104 下载

api_duonghds 1.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

1,469 下载

apie 0.0.0

Provides a DSL for describing APIs and generating various forms of documentation

2,795 下载

api_engine 0.0.1

An API engine for Rails. Structure of the API is opinionated and designed to directly i...

4,917 下载

api_error 0.1.1

API Standard exceptions to be used on any web framework

2,666 下载

api_error_handler 0.2.1

A gem that helps you easily handle exceptions in your Ruby on Rails API and return info...

39,932 下载

api_explorer 0.0.7

25,481 下载