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api_url_generator 0.1.0

After writing a few RESTful APIs with Rails, I was always running into issues with gene...

4,001 下载

api_user_auth 0.1.9

API user auth engine

22,514 下载

api_utils 0.1.1

Utils which helps transform keys for external api

4,256 下载

api_validator 0.1.3

RubyGem for API validation. Here you need to set rules and messages in yml, rest of the...

8,682 下载

api-validator 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4,962 下载

api_valve 1.2.0

Lightweight ruby/rack API reverse proxy or gateway

58,433 下载

api_version_constraint 0.1.0

Rails routing constraint for api versioning in query params using the v param.

3,130 下载

api_versioner 1.2.0

A simple gem to add semantic versioning support to API applications.

2,604 下载

api_versioning 0.0.9

API versioning for rails projects. An extraction from the project

35,244 下载

api-versions 1.2.1

api-versions helps manage your Rails app API endpoints.

301,400 下载

api_view 0.5.0

A fast and nimble object serializer

7,227 下载

apivore 1.6.2

Tests your rails API using its OpenAPI (Swagger) description of end-points, models, and...

602,221 下载

api_warden 0.3.0

Use access token to protect your API in rails.

6,367 下载

api_warner 0.0.2

A simple gem to warn you if there is a string similar to an API key in any of your ruby...

5,765 下载

apiway 0.0.6

Server side for Apiway framework

16,808 下载

apiwha 0.1.1

A tiny ruby wrapper around apiwha whatsapp API (

3,977 下载

api_wrapper 0.1.6

ApiWrapper provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with APIs in a configurabl...

184 下载

ApiWrapperFor8x8 0.0.3

8x8 Phone System api wrapper to handle reporting.

8,412 下载

apix 0.1.1


3,455 下载

api_yard_parser 0.0.8

This gem parse a yard doc and generate a page with api description

25,911 下载

apj 0.0.2

Pipe your JSONs into this.

9,428 下载

apjson 0.1.1

print parsed json with your favorite format

29,654 下载

apk 0.1.3

Get Android APK's label, features, api, icon, and other information

18,508 下载

apk_analyzer 1.0.3

The aim of this gem is to extract some data from android apk files. Analysis results ...

8,795 下载

apk_downloader 1.1.5

Downloads APK files directly from the Play store

26,762 下载

apkg-to-csv 2.1.0

Convert Anki deck (.apkg) files to comma-separated values (.csv) files.

2,970 下载

apkToJava 1.3.1

View android apk as java code in GUI

17,857 下载

apktool 0.0.2

It is a tool for reverse engineering 3rd party, closed, binary Android apps. It can dec...

9,731 下载

apktools 0.7.5

Library to assist reading resource data out of Android APKs

4,219,364 下载

apk_unpack 0.0.4

The APKUnpack tool is used to quickly decompile one or more APK applications essentiall...

11,150 下载