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apt_control 1.0.0

Automatically manage an apt repository that changes a lot

19,697 下载

apt-dists-merge 1.0.2

Generally, you should use more general APT repository management tool such as [aptly](h...

50,220 下载

AptDownloader 1.0.2

Apt-Downloader is intended as a useful tool for developers working on embedded linux. ...

16,430 下载

apt_finder 0.1.6

Scraper to get current listings from Apartmentfinder

13,908 下载

apti 0.6.2

Apti is a frontend of aptitude (Debian's package manager) with improved presentation of...

10,687 下载

aptible-api 1.6.5

Ruby client for

832,352 下载

aptible-auth 1.2.5

Ruby client for

586,666 下载

aptible-billforward 0.0.2

Ruby client for

54,182 下载

aptible-billing 1.0.1

Ruby client for

295,408 下载

aptible-cli 0.21.0

Aptible CLI

404,368 下载

aptible-comply 0.1.0

Ruby client for

2,539 下载

aptible-gridiron 0.2.2

Ruby client for

23,129 下载

aptible-prawn-helpers 0.0.2

Prawn Document Helpers

7,019 下载

aptible-rails 0.7.3

Rails helpers for Aptible service applications

172,949 下载

aptible-resource 1.1.2

Foundation classes for Aptible resource server gems

490,681 下载

aptible-tasks 0.6.1

Shared Rake tasks for Aptible projects

186,580 下载

aptinabox 0.0.1

While currently very minimally featured - I would like for this to eventually serve as ...

4,506 下载


Bdoc is a simple replacement for gem server that doesn't require running a server and i...

7,319 下载

apt-kusa 0.1.2

Post the number of packages installed with APT to

5,778 下载

aptly 0.1.0

Wrapper for managing deb package repositories with aptly

4,535 下载

aptlyapi 0.0.9

Manage remote Aptly servers via the Aptly API

27,168 下载

aptly-api 0.11.0

REST client for the Aptly API

51,148 下载

aptly_cli 0.6.1

Aptly API client

100,089 下载

aptly-watcher 0.4

Configures Aptly in a application centric manner, and watches a set of folders for inco...

9,093 下载

aptools 1.2.0

Assorted tools for Apportable Platform

26,226 下载

apt-pkg 0.5.0

Ruby interface to apt-pkg

25,087 下载

apt-repair-sources 0.0.1

A tool to clean up your sources.list: * apt-repair-sources -d: let's you examine your...

5,954 下载

apt-spy2 0.8.2

Keep your /etc/apt/sources.list up to date

828,602 下载

apt_stage_artifacts 0.11.0

Stages .deb artifacts to a remote freight repository

319,332 下载

apt_validator 0.0.1

This Validator validates to not contain prohibited words into the value.

3,965 下载