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archi 0.1.0

Command Line Android Architecture Components Class Generator for Android

2,749 下载

archie 0.0.1.pre

Archie the architect

2,349 下载

archieml 0.3.0

Parse Archie Markup Language documents

21,016 下载

archimate 2.2.1

A collection of tools for working with ArchiMate files from Archi

20,071 下载

archimate-diff 0.1.0

A collection of tools to diff and merge ArchiMate files

2,614 下载

archimedes 1.0.0

A lightweight wrapper for statsd-ruby

12,810 下载

archipelago 0.3.0

A set of tools for distributed computing in ruby.

50,647 下载

archipelago_rbtree 0.3.0

A patched version of the rbtree code that accepts each and reverse_each with offsets.

16,061 下载

archipel-api 5

Ruby API for Archipel Agent, an XMPP-based orchestrator. See

10,930 下载

architect 0.1.0

Architect is a JavaScript library built on top of Web Workers that will handle and poly...

30,604 下载


This gem is intended for making a neo4j graph db accessible by providing a ruby wrapper...

45,592 下载

architect-functions 0.5.4

Runtime helpers for AWS Lambda functions provisioned with Architect

20,418 下载

architects 0.0.1

Architects is a RESTful API framework

4,618 下载

architects-toolkit 0.1.10

Packages up different CLI utilities for working with the Blueprint, and A...

12,051 下载

architecture 6.1.2

A DSL and object space for handling scaffolding

71,470 下载

architecture-js 0.6.3

Architecture.js helps you generate scaffolding, manage third-party packages, compile, a...

200,400 下载

architekt 0.0.1

Customize your front end.

3,930 下载

archivable 1.4.0

Archive your Rails models rather than delete them, with model and controller concerns.

39,151 下载

archival 0.0.12

14,550 下载

archival_record 3.0.1

*Atomic archiving/unarchiving for ActiveRecord* acts_as_paranoid and similar plugins/g...

12,822 下载

archive 0.0.6

Simple library to manage tar and zip archives with libarchive and FFI

325,850 下载

archive_2s 0.0.6

Sometimes you just need a descriptive value of an item you are archiving. This is what...

27,866 下载

archiveable 0.0.6

Archiveable concern for rails models

17,141 下载

archive-ar 0.0.7

Simple AR file functions

24,511 下载

archivededup 0.1.1

Deduplicate files from an archive directory using a database.

838 下载

archived_remote_object 0.1.5

Provide Object to manage Archived remote file.Based on AWS-S3 DeepArchive feature: Arch...

10,141 下载

archivegem 0.1.2

create zip archives

3,637 下载

archive-gem 0.0.1

A Ruby Class to extract a gem or parts of a gem - does not require RubyGems to be insta...

6,080 下载

archive_io 0.1.0

Library which can traverse archived file (using `libarchive` under the hood) and yield ...

4,302 下载

archive_lister 0.0.1

Ask archives about URLs

4,706 下载