RubyGems Navigation menu


armchair 0.0.2

A minimal CouchDB interface that can do nothing but add documents and iterate over docu...

10,723 下载

ar_memoization 0.1.1

Memoize ActiveRecord objects and search there.

2,443 下载

ar_merge 0.3.1

Merge 2 ActiveRecords, preserving associations and attributes

49,522 下载

armg 0.11.0

Add MySQL geometry type to Active Record.

128,083 下载

armin-joellenbeck-decorator 0.0.2

Decorator Pattern for Ruby.

3,958 下载

armin-joellenbeck-rdbc 0.2.5

This library supports Design by Contract for Ruby.

34,702 下载

armin-joellenbeck-smilies 0.0.3

This library consists of a notification server for linux desktops and a correspondent r...

10,180 下载

armistice 0.0.0

Hardware private key storage for next-generation cryptography (e.g. BLS) initially targ...

2,259 下载

armitage 0.0.0


2,473 下载

armitage-rubocop 1.59.0

A set of rubocop settings used in my own projects.Support for: vanilla ruby, rspec, rails.

221,795 下载


*Not yet functional.*<br> ARM allows you to mock up AcitveRecord models to prevent need...

10,813 下载

a_r_mocker 0.0.3

Create relationships and models that work with form objects and don't dependant on a da...

7,973 下载

ar-model-generator 0.3

Useful to generate namespaced database models for a legacy database

5,084 下载

armoire 1.4.1

A simple configuration tool

33,197 下载

ar-monocle 0.1.7

Monocle helps you manage your DB views.

13,277 下载

armo_palindrome 0.3.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector.

4,550 下载

armor 0.0.3

A PBKDF2 pure ruby implementation.

526,162 下载

armoredcode-misc 0.10.0

This gem contains some miscellaneous utilities for armoredcode security tools

4,975 下载

armor_payments 0.1.4

Ruby gem for interacting with Armor Payments.

29,762 下载

armory 0.1.0

Library for downloading and parsing the wow armory

5,893 下载

armory_api 0.1.1

Wrapper for the World of Warcraft API

8,764 下载

armory-ruby 0.0.13

A World of Warcraft Armory API Adapter for Ruby

18,201 下载

armot 0.4.0

translation support for your models with an I18n active-record backend

61,385 下载

armrest 0.2.2

Ruby Azure REST API Library

101,685 下载

armrest-ruby 0.1.0

Ruby armrest client library factory.

450 下载

arms 0.0.1

A library which offers flexible, chained serializion for Active Record

4,480 下载

armstrong 0.4.5

Armstrong is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in styl...

36,137 下载

ar-multidb 0.7.0

Multidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connection...

929,029 下载

ar_multi_threaded_transactional_tests 0.5.0

Execute multithreaded code while still using transactional fixtures by synchronizing db...

25,759 下载

army-negative 3.1.0

When this gem is loaded and activated inside your rails app, your MySQL connection adap...

18,719 下载