RubyGems Navigation menu


armstrong 0.4.5

Armstrong is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in styl...

36,162 下载

ar-multidb 0.7.0

Multidb is an ActiveRecord extension for switching between multiple database connection...

929,861 下载

ar_multi_threaded_transactional_tests 0.5.0

Execute multithreaded code while still using transactional fixtures by synchronizing db...

25,804 下载

army-negative 3.1.0

When this gem is loaded and activated inside your rails app, your MySQL connection adap...

18,732 下载

ar_mysql_flexmaster 1.0.3

ar_mysql_flexmaster allows configuring N mysql servers in database.yml and auto-selects...

186,360 下载

arnaldo 0.1

Get random proverbs from

4,327 下载

arndtjenssen-picothumbs 0.1.1

Allows easy access to the web thumbnail service of

3,926 下载


Sass-Based CSS Meta-Framework. Semantic, Maintainable CSS.

7,010 下载

arnebrasseur-pinyin 0.1.5

Pinyin can convert between various systems for phonetically writing Mandarin Chinese. I...

3,920 下载

arnger 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

2,129 下载

arnold 0.0.1

This is the start of a Puppet provisioning system. It provides a graphical web servi...

4,878 下载

arnoldc.rb 1.0.0

arnoldc Ruby implementation

4,164 下载

arn_parse 0.1.0

Based on

2,369 下载

ar_null_false_generator 0.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

3,946 下载

ar-octopus 0.10.2

This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...

7,865,970 下载


This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...

3,874 下载

ar-octopus-replication-tracking 0.1.5

This gem allows you to find replication position with Octopus

4,608 下载

ar-octopus-ruby-3 0.11.3

This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in...

7,878 下载

aroi 1.0.0

ActiveRecord Object Instrumenter: Instrument the creation of ActiveRecord objects

1,072,123 下载

arolitec_sms 0.1.2

Ruby HTTP client to interact with Arolitec SMS Gateway.

3,714 下载

arom_2016_gem 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3,388 下载

aromat 1.4.3

Provides a few extensions to the Ruby core libraries

43,803 下载

ar-ondemand 1.3.2

Fast access to database results without the memory overhead of ActiveRecord objects

208,064 下载

ar_oo_select 0.5.0

A little gem that lets you execute lower-level ActiveRecord queries and access the resu...

6,009 下载

ar_openid_store 0.0.1

Merb plugin that provides ...

11,785 下载

ar_orderable 0.1.0

ar_orderable adds a consistent way to order results at database level using ActiveRecor...

5,882 下载

ar-orderable 1.0.7

You can order AR records and skip callbacks

32,885 下载

around 0.0.1

Redefine existing methods while calling their previous version by another name. No boil...

5,911 下载

aroundhome_cops 6.0.1

Dependency and configuration for rubocop.

14,009 下载

around_method 0.1.0

Ruby gem for method composition

2,460 下载