RubyGems Navigation menu


array_zip_with 1.0.3

Array#zip_with inspired by Haskell's zipWith function.It takes either yields a zipp...

11,647 下载

ar_redis 0.1.0

Adds out-of-the-box namespaced and nested Redis keys for ActiveRecord objects.

26,009 下载

ar_report 0.0.1

A wrapper to send model reports using using spreadsheet and mail gem

6,349 下载

ar-resque-counter-cache 3.1.0

Increment ActiveRecord's counter cache column asynchronously using Resque (and resque-l...

64,793 下载

arrest 0.0.91

Consume a rest API in a AR like fashion

362,664 下载

ar_result_calculations 0.0.5

Defines Array#calculation methods for ActiveRecord result sets. Provides #sum, #min...

24,728 下载

arr-force 1.0.1

Faraday Middleware to ensure certain keys are converted to arrays

10,005 下载

arrg 2.1.2

shiver me timbers.

13,452 下载

arrival 0.1.1

Execute your ActiveRecord migrations with Github's `gh-ost`, a triggerless online schem...

4,210 下载

arrogance 0.0.2

Easily manage RSS and Atom feeds of all kinds.

9,931 下载

ar_rollout 0.0.23

An ActiveRecord version of Rollout gem (

74,439 下载

arrow 1.0.8

Arrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make development ...

27,013 下载

arrow-datafusion 0.0.2

yet another Ruby bindings of Apache Arrow Datafusion

1,530 下载

arrow_payments 0.1.3

Ruby wrapper for ArrowPayments gateway

12,792 下载

arrows 0.1.1

Haskell-like Arrow functionality to procs, includes commonly useful functional junk suc...

41,253 下载

arrow_test 0.0.7

`Vigorous testing is coincise` This gem allows coincise testing, even shorter than doc...

19,158 下载

arroz 0.0.4

Simple attempt to build an IA framework in Ruby

4,891 下载

arr-pm 0.0.12

This library allows to you to read and write rpm packages. Written in pure ruby because...

49,569,476 下载

arrthorizer 0.4.2

Contextual authorization for your Rails (3+) application

40,415 下载

ars 0.2.0

Ruby Web Client that syncs with most models

9,283 下载

ar-s3-columns 0.0.3

ActiveRecord::Model extension to write/read an column on AWS S3.

10,656 下载

ar_schema_functions 0.1.1

Populate schema.rb with stored SQL functions

5,291 下载

ars-doppelganger 0.2.0

Ruby Model that can exhibit attributes from another Object

9,357 下载

arsecurity 0.1.3

A security component for Activerecord, it can manage CRUD permissions with attribute le...

20,366 下载

arsenal 0.0.1

A Repository-pattern based ORM

5,118 下载

arsenal_console 2.0.0

Tools to help colorize and manage console output.

7,594 下载

arsenal_console_colors 0.4.0

gem discontinued - please use newer gem: arsenal_console

8,113 下载

arsenic 0.0.2

originally forked from Palkan.

3,322 下载

arsenicum 0.4.2

Arsenicum: multi-backend asyncronous processor.

45,204 下载

ArseniysWeatherApp 0.1.4

This gem is searches your location and based on your location ...

7,554 下载