RubyGems Navigation menu


ascii_it 0.0.1

Single method on string to strip non-ASCII garbage.

4,223 下载

asciimath 2.0.5

A pure Ruby AsciiMath parsing and conversion library.

948,719 下载

asciimath2unitsml 0.4.3

Convert Asciimath via MathML to UnitsML

133,518 下载

asciimation 0.1.0

A simple application for animating the display of ASCII art images in your terminal. T...

3,596 下载

asciimeme 0.0.1

Create simple ascii art memes

5,025 下载

asciimo 0.2.0

uses asciimo.js to generate colored ascii art text in 300+ fonts. It can be used from t...

10,823 下载

asciinema-rails 0.1.1

Converts sudosh log files to asciinema format. Provides JS and CSS includes to allow yo...

6,298 下载

asciinurse 0.1.7

The best Asciidoctor's assistant

21,397 下载

asciipack 0.2.4

AsciiPack is an object serialization inspired by MessagePack.

38,036 下载

ascii_paint 0.2.2

Convert ASCII art to PNGs in pure Ruby.

7,434 下载

ascii-passport 0.0.1

Simple gem built for teaching students how to use gems

5,394 下载

AsciiPNG 1.0.0

A Ruby gem to asciify png images.

5,921 下载

ascii_pngfy 0.2.0

AsciiPngfy is a Ruby Gem that enables you to render ASCII text into a PNG image up to a...

1,685 下载

ascii_press 0.5.2

Tools for publishing a set of ASCIIdoc files to WordPress

10,814 下载

asciiptcha 0.1.2

Generates and verifies ascii art captcha.

9,252 下载

asciipub 0.0.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,349 下载

ascii_table 0.9.0

Create ascii table from command line

3,905 下载

ascii_toons 0.1.0

make your projects more awesomer with customizable ascii art

5,429 下载

ascii_to_svg 0.1.4

Generates beautiful svg vecor images based on a input string

6,879 下载

ascii-tracker 0.0.2

keeping track of time in a textfile. now web app, no mouse clicking. No GUI is as e...

7,998 下载

ascii_tree 2.0.0

Parses a usable tree from ASCII art.

14,706 下载

ascm 0.1.0

ASCM reads ENV varaibles into a class, providing methods to ensure a setting is ava...

2,547 下载

ascmaster 0.0.0

Ascmaster converts images to ASCII characters.

3,921 下载

ascode 0.7.10

Experimental esoteric golfing language

75,859 下载

as-combined-metrics 1.0.6

AWS custom combined metric CloudWatch tool

18,710 下载

ascon 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

687 下载

ascraper 0.0.7

A Scraper.

16,057 下载

ascribe 0.1.0

No longer supported - please use active_attr (

27,180 下载

ascriptor 0.12.0

Service object base class for defining attributes & defaults with a nice DSL

4,868 下载

as_csv 3.0.1

Instant CSV support for Rails

225,408 下载