RubyGems Navigation menu


activefedora-aggregation 0.10.0

Aggregations for active-fedora

46,752 下载

active_fedora-crosswalks 0.0.7

Enables metadata crosswalking between ActiveFedora datastreams.

31,483 下载

active_fedora-datastreams 0.5.0

XML and RDF datastreams for ActiveFedora

32,363 下载

active_fedora_finders 0.5.0

A mixin library for ActiveFedora. Realtion methods operating against the FCRepo object ...

54,738 下载

active_fedora-noid 2.2.0

Noid identifier services for ActiveFedora-based applications.

133,915 下载

active_fedora-registered_attributes 0.2.1

An ActiveFedora extension for registring attributes

84,283 下载

active_fedora_relsint 0.4.1

ActiveFedora library to allow use of RELS-INT to track RDF assertions about datastreams...

37,605 下载

active_fedora_streamable 0.3.0

An ActiveFedora mixin that allows a datastream dissemination response to be streamed ba...

33,401 下载

active_fields 0.2.0

Extend your Rails models without changing DB schema.

348 下载

activefile 0.0.31

Build a hierarchical model of filesystem objects.

34,443 下载


Just a file system database

26,810 下载

active_file_record 0.0.3a

Gem description

7,222 下载

active_filter 0.0.8

ActiveFilter is a Rails engine for allowing users to filter scope dynamically.

57,182 下载

active_filterable 0.0.1

ActiveFilterable is a gem designed to enable custom query filters for ActiveRecord mode...

487 下载

active_filters 0.2.0

Map incoming controller parameters to named scopes in your models

7,202 下载

active_filtr 0.0.2

Add filters to active record.

4,315 下载

active_finite 0.4.2

longer description of your gem

93,830 下载


Ruby ODM framework for Firebase

609 下载

active_fixture 0.0.2

Plugin to create static Rails models backed by YAML files.

8,066 下载

active-fixtures 0.0.5

active-fixtures provides the way how to populate the server state (DB, sessions) as an ...

12,417 下载

active_flag 1.6.0

Bit array for ActiveRecord

571,349 下载

active_flags 0.3.10

Easily declare flags for your models.

23,098 下载

active_flow 0.0.1

A gem to build operations flows

3,027 下载

active_flux 0.1.0.alfa

The gem allows you to query InfluxDB with Flux syntax in an ORM fashion.

730 下载

activefolder 1.5.1

A file system ORM based on ActiveRecord. Objects are files, relations are folders.

38,928 下载

activeforce 5.0.0

Activeforce provides a simple to use and extend interface to Salesforce using the REST API

77,066 下载

active_force 0.21.1

Use SalesForce as an ActiveModel

110,223 下载

activeforecast 1.0.0

Ruby gem for pulling forcast information from

10,006 下载

activeform 0.0.1

Forms with ActiveModel-like validations

9,600 下载

active_form 0.0.8

ActiveForm provides a DSL for defining complete XHTML forms with validation.

49,772 下载