RubyGems Navigation menu


acts_as_background_solr 0.5.1

Extends the functionality of the acts_as_solr plugin to provide for disconnected backgr...

19,044 下載

acts_as_belongable 3.0.0

acts_as_belongable is a Rubygem that provides an associations engine for Rails apps. It...

15,190 下載

acts_as_better_tree 1.0.0

acts_as_better_tree is great for anyone who needs a fast tree capable of handling milli...

29,015 下載

acts_as_bits 0.2.2

ActiveRecord plugin that maintains massive flags in one column

20,336 下載

acts_as_blamable 0.0.6

Automatically set created_by and updated_by fields

45,908 下載

acts_as_bloomfilter 0.0.4

Project started mainly for Extract Transform Load (ETL) operations

6,334 下載

acts_as_bookable 0.1.4

ActsAsBookable is a reservation engine for Rails applications that allows resources to ...

14,821 下載

acts_as_boolean 0.3.0

Treat time-y columns like booleans.

5,119 下載

ActsAsBoolean 0.1.0

Treat time-y columns like booleans.

3,187 下載

acts_as_brand_new_copy 1.0.1

A ruby gem for active record which simplify the copy of very complex tree data.

8,862 下載

acts_as_bytefield 0.1.1

Change an ActiveRecord string column into a byte field.

7,149 下載

acts_as_cachable 0.1.2

we implemented some automatic caching to first,last and all methods

9,923 下載

acts_as_cached 0.1.2

Caching helpers for Rails

29,883 下載

acts_as_caesar 0.1.3

Acts As Caesar is a voting system - allowing up/down voting of objects.

90,547 下載

acts_as_callbackable 0.2.3

ActsAsCallbackable provides a single way of calling specific methods when targeted mode...

9,441 下載

acts-as-categorizable 0.1.2

Allows any model to be categorized.

3,819 下載

acts_as_category 0.0.8


19,264 下載

acts_as_chain 1.1.0

Define a set of methods that should be chainable

25,381 下載

acts_as_chattable 0.0.4

Make user chattable!

17,120 下載

acts_as_citable 5.1.0

Uses Citero to translate a model from one format to another.

69,110 下載

acts_as_cleo 3.0.2

LinkedIn Open Source type ahead tool's REST API as a ruby gem. Now with Reddis support.

190,704 下載

acts_as_commentable 4.0.2

Plugin/gem that provides comment functionality

2,617,385 下載

acts_as_commentable_more 1.2.11

gem that provides comment functionality.

44,245 下載

acts_as_commentable_with_replies 0.1.0

Acts as Commentable with Replies

36,565 下載

acts_as_commentable_with_reply 1.0.0

Rails gem that provides comment functionality with one-level nesting of comment replies...

4,121 下載

acts_as_commentable_with_threading 2.0.1

Polymorphic threaded comments Rails gem for Rails 4+

5,683,649 下載

acts_as_comparable 1.2

Adds ActiveRecord model comparison functionality.

28,016 下載

acts_as_concatenation 0.1.0

Making multiple values save in a single column as a concatenation of string,including a...

6,913 下載

acts_as_configurable 0.0.8

Storage of configuration values in database

45,575 下載

acts_as_configuration 0.0.2

Make a variable to work like a configuration variable

18,980 下載