RubyGems Navigation menu


acts_as_connectable 0.0.2

Aids in configuring OmniAuth and desvise

9,592 下載

acts_as_constant 1.0.5

Acts as Constant

52,105 下載

acts_as_contactable 0.0.2

Add embedded contact info to a mongoid model

25,773 下載

acts-as-contactable 0.2.2


8,633 下載

acts_as_content_highlightable 0.2.1

By tagging all the text nodes in the HTML content, this gem enables highlighting text a...

7,483 下載

acts_as_content_node 0.1.13

Common functions for a record used as content of a website. Generator for cms and front...

58,970 下載

acts_as_contextable 0.0.2

This gem provides basic linking functionality of active record objects. In cases when h...

4,324 下載

acts_as_controller_for 0.0.6

This gem is an attempt to identify a pattern of simple rails controllers for common imp...

50,176 下載

acts_as_crafter 1.0.0

Bring a little bit of Marcus Crafter awesomeness into your responses with this Rack Mid...

9,927 下載

acts_as_crazy 0.4.2

acts_as_crazy makes your objects do crazy things at random moments

16,268 下載

acts_as_csv 1.0.0

Extends default CSV behavior to ActiveRecord models

3,997 下載

acts_as_currency 0.0.0

Handle currencies on your ActiveModel with ease

4,711 下載

acts_as_current 1.0.0

This acts_as extension modifies ActiveRecord classes so they can carry a reference to t...

19,137 下載

acts_as_customized_attributes 0.0.11

Key-based custom attributes that can be created on the fly for ActiveRecord models.

42,440 下載

acts_as_dag 2.0.4

Adds directed acyclic graph functionality to ActiveRecord.

99,584 下載

acts-as-dag 4.0.0

Directed Acyclic Graph hierarchy for Rail's ActiveRecord, supporting Rails 4.x

330,345 下載

acts_as_dashboard 0.4.1

acts_as_dashboard makes it easy to create dashboards in Rails apps. Very little configu...

51,997 下載

acts_as_dasherize_vanity 0.0.3

This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities a application to allow to generate m...

7,305 下載

acts_as_data_owner 0.0.7

The Access Data framework for Ruby on Rails.

46,991 下載

acts_as_data_table 0.0.2

Adds methods to models and controllers to perform automatic filtering, sorting and mult...

7,071 下載

acts_as_dated_detail 0.0.2

acts_as_dated_detail enables versioning of attributes by timestamp

17,671 下載

acts_as_daterange 0.0.2

adds daterange to AR models

8,649 下載

acts_as_debatable 0.1.0

Ruby on Rails gem to provide simple and easy commenting system for any model.

16,904 下載

acts_as_decimal 1.1.1

Rails 3 gem to treat an attribute as a decimal (getting and setting floating-point valu...

117,096 下載

acts_as_decryptable 0.1.1

Allow some rows to be encrypted/decrypted using symmetric encryption.

17,949 下載

acts_as_default 0.0.2

Using acts as default you can set a default row in your activerecord collection, also f...

8,161 下載

acts_as_defaultable 0.0.6

This 'acts_as' extension provides the capability for having a default object. The class...

38,605 下載

acts_as_diffable 0.0.1

ActsAsDiffable provides a dead-simple way to compare two instances of a class, includin...

9,455 下載

acts_as_digested_on 0.0.5

This gem sets the digested value before validation and validates uniqueness of the dige...

22,970 下載

acts_as_discontinued 0.1.1

Another paranoid gem

15,209 下載