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acts_as_doc 1.2.0

Add swagger comment to any ruby file for generating swagger response doc struct

2,644 下載

acts_as_downcasable_on 0.2.3

Easy way to define AR attributes that should be stored in lowercase

37,789 下載

acts_as_draper_decorated 0.3.1

Gives models a field with daper decorator of the model itself

17,652 下載

acts_as_dropdown 2.0.3

A Rails plugin that adds the ability to easily create an options list out of an ActiveR...

13,956 下載

acts_as_duck 0.0.1

Add a quack method to objects

17,877 下載

acts_as_duration 0.0.5

adds getter and setters for an existing attribute to covnert between seconds, minutes, ...

25,480 下載

acts_as_dynamic 0.0.5

Use dynamic attributes in your classes

37,127 下載

acts_as_dynamic_method 1.0.1

create methods dynamicly from json string

21,383 下載

acts_as_eav_model 0.0.2

Entity-attribute-value model (EAV) is a data model that is used in circumstances w...

26,455 下載

acts_as_ecv 0.0.3

acts_as_ecv is a simple ruby gem that helps add ecv (Extended Content Verification) to ...

14,678 下載

acts_as_edition 1.0.2

Editions for ActiveRecord models

16,760 下載

acts_as_element_in_category 0.0.1

A categorizing plugin for Rails Applications

4,384 下載

acts_as_elibri_product 0.2.7

Gem designed to allow easy addition of eLibri based product to your application. Curren...

124,983 下載

acts_as_elo 1.0.0

Provides sophisticated yet easy to understand ranking system with minimum changes to th...

53,307 下載

acts_as_encryptable 0.1.1

Extends Rails existing encryption methods and adds simple record encryption.

6,211 下載

acts_as_encrypted 1.0.1

A quick and easy encryption wrapper. using the built in openssl functions. Usable in S...

19,147 下載

acts_as_entity_and_relation_ship 0.0.1

This library provide 2 acts_as modules, acts_as_entity and acts_as_relationship, so it ...

2,398 下載

acts_as_enum 1.5.0

For multiple values activerecord attributes. This gem have some very useful methods and...

96,506 下載

acts_as_enumable 0.0.3

Enum is to choose a value from a preset list

25,192 下載

acts_as_enumeration 0.1.17

Active Record extender to make a database column enumerable and queryable

45,629 下載

acts_as_enum_type 0.3.0

ActiveRecord plugin to validate values of column in specified word

7,338 下載

ActsAsEscaped 0.0.2

== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Hash access to attributes bypasses acts_as_cached == SYNOPSYS: ...

17,955 下載

acts_as_estraier_doc 0.0.1

Acts as EstraierDoc

6,060 下載

acts_as_eventable 0.1.1

Add a readable event history to your models

18,895 下載

acts_as_event_owner 1.1.3

Simple calendar events for any ActiveRecord model

45,356 下載

acts_as_executor 1.0.0.rc5

Seamlessly integrates Java's Executor framework with Ruby on Rails

13,285 下載

acts_as_expirable 0.1.1

With ActsAsExpirable, you can mark ActiveRecord records as expired and programmatically...

19,906 下載

acts_as_explorable 0.1.1

Adds GitHub-like search function to your models

7,443 下載

acts_as_exportable 0.0.1

Export ActiveRecord data as a csv.

17,772 下載

acts_as_extjs 0.3.4

ActiveRecord Helper for Extjs

91,128 下載