ad_licenselint 1.5.0
Lint the licenses for iOS projects
36,117 下載
adlint 3.2.14
AdLint is a source code static analyzer. It can point out unreliable or nonportable cod...
189,343 下載
adlint-benchmark 1.1.0
Simple benchmark of AdLint
10,308 下載
adlint-exam-c_staging 0.3.0
Experimental C language code examination package for AdLint
10,657 下載
adlint-goodies 1.2.1
An all in one installer of AdLint Goodies
41,491 下載
adlint-postfilter 1.1.0
An ad-hoc filtering wrapper for AdLint to suppress useless warning messages.
26,570 下載
ad_localize 6.3.0
AdLocalize produces localization files from platform agnostic wording. ...
66,674 下載
ADLongwell-usgs-waterdata 0.2.0
A library for obtaining statistical and real-time flows from the Unite States Geologica...
14,821 下載
adm 0.0.7
Amazon Device Messaging Gem
24,374 下載
adman 0.1.1
Adman makes it easy to publish your application and collaborate with other apps on your...
12,305 下載
ad_man 0.0.13
An advertising manager mountable engine
64,234 下載
Adman65-AccessControl 0.2.6
Simple role based authorization for rails
14,904 下載
admapper 0.0.3
Friendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectory
6,894 下載
admesh 0.1.0
The ruby-admesh gem wraps the Admesh STL mesh manipulation tool CLI in a Ruby gem. It h...
3,699 下載
admidat_query 0.0.4
A gem whit redy qury methods
4,383 下載
admin 0.0.1
Admin is a Rails admin interface inspired by the Django's awesome one.
8,370 下載
adminable 0.0.7
Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.
19,327 下載
adminaccess 1.0.6
By passing in the current user email and the admin user email it tests if the user is c...
29,407 下載
admin_announcement 0.0.1
It helps admin to announce anything including parsed html in a form a notice.It consist...
2,768 下載
admin-api 0.0.1
It's a simple gem to create admin api
3,349 下載
admin_assistant 2.4.0
admin_assistant is a Rails plugin that automates a lot of features typically needed in ...
119,263 下載
admin_auth 0.6.0
A gem for rails that helps with basic database authentication.
35,103 下載
admin_bits 0.4.0
AdminBits simplifies creation of sortable / searchable lists found in dashboards / admi...
4,196 下載
admin_bounds 0.1.1
Create a table containing administrative bounds from OSM
3,848 下載
adminbox 0.2.0
Official AdminBox gem that enables advanced functionality
5,421 下載
admin-cf-plugin 3.0.0
Cloud Foundry administration commands.
40,787 下載
admin_core 0.0.3
Flexible admin framework for Rails
7,348 下載
admincredible 0.0.1
Communicates with com_admincredible, a Joomla! extension that adds REST like APIs to Jo...
5,336 下載
admin_data 1.2.1
Manage data as if you own it
240,617 下載
admin_engine 1.0.1
A rails engine for adding admin functionality.
23,175 下載