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administrate_tailwind_theme 0.0.6

This gem provides a custom Tailwind CSS theme for the Administrate gem used in Rails ap...

2,026 下載

administration-zero 1.0.4

An administration system generator for Rails applications

20,453 下載

administrator 0.0.1

it has authorization and dashboard panel

6,373 下載

admin_it 1.3.8

Admin interface

105,080 下載

adminix 0.2


77,249 下載

adminka 0.1.0

Description of Adminka.

3,026 下載

admin_layout 0.0.6


11,033 下載

adminlock 1.0.0

lock your important links

14,242 下載

adminlte 1.4

Provides easy integration for Bootstrap admin template into Rails. ...

10,293 下載


Gemified AdminLTE, with RTL support.

10,500 下載

adminlte2assets-rails 1.0.1

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

6,284 下載

adminlte2-rails 0.0.6

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

99,152 下載

adminlte_assets 0.5.0

Easy integration for Bootstrap AdminLTE template into Rails.

8,667 下載

adminlte-generators 0.2.4

AdminLTE-generators provides AdminLTE generators for Rails 4.

27,418 下載


Gemified AdminLTE, with SASS and RTL support for Rails.

42,541 下載

adminlte_rails 0.1.0

AdminLTE2 on rails

2,637 下載

adminlte-rails 1.3.3

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

47,127 下載

adminlte-rails4 1.3.3

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

7,718 下載

adminlte_theme 0.2.0

Caters the base theme of AdminLTE by Almsaeed Studio. Plugins are not included by defau...

7,488 下載

admin_model 0.2.1

Create concerns and I18n keys for rails admin

20,935 下載

admin_module 0.1.8

Command line interface for Admin Module

15,754 下載

admino 0.0.22

Make administrative views creation less repetitive

115,987 下載

admin_on_rails 0.0.1

Modern rails admin with view layer on vue.js

2,730 下載

adminos 1.0.0.pre.rc.5

A framework for creating admin dashboards

5,857 下載

adminpage_scaffold_generator 0.0.2

You can generate template files easy and beautiful by this scaffold generator for Ruby ...

13,431 下載

adminpanel 3.6.1

Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very config...

236,129 下載

admin-panel 0.1.5

Generates Twitter Bootstrap based admin panel with scaffolder. Project is quite opinion...

21,633 下載

adminscaffold 1.0.1

admin scaffold

7,316 下載

admin_scaffold 3.0.2

This scaffold generator takes a lot of Ryan Bates' screencast ideas and puts them into ...

6,338 下載

admin_script 1.0.1

A module for creating flexible, simple scripts for project in Rails.

60,193 下載