aga-telegram 0.0.2
Telegram Ruby is a lightweight gem for use Telegram API.
1,123 下載
Agatha is a Request/Response Service Layer built on top of WCF. (Silverlight is also su...
12,082 下載
agave-client 0.1.3
Ruby client per integrazione con AgaveCMS e jekyll
8,306 下載
agb_handicap 0.0.4
Calculate Archery GB/GNAS handicaps for standard target rounds. Based on David Lane's o...
5,293 下載
agcaldav is yet another great Ruby client for CalDAV calendar. It is based on the ical...
56,330 下載
agcod 0.1.1
Access the Amazon API to order gift codes
34,901 下載
age 0.0.3
Show your age.
13,278 下載
age_cal 0.0.1
Get the age from date.
4,988 下載
age_calc 0.1.0
Uses datetime to easily calculate age
2,792 下載
agecalci 0.1.3
Write a longer description or delete this line.
3,538 下載
age_calcs 0.1.0
Like this gem created for calculating age by given date of birth.
639 下載
age_calculator 2.0.0
A simple age calculator that just works
515,586 下載
agecheq 0.0.2
AgeCheq is a thin Ruby wrapper around the AgeCheq API.
7,289 下載
age_de_xml 0.1.0
Rails plugin for age-de.xml label for age classification
4,995 下載
age_group 0.0.3
Built for a healthcare application. A simple gem to set the age cat...
8,462 下載
ageism 0.0.1
Given a string such as "4 - 5", "3y 6m - 4y 6m", return a hash with keys :left and :rig...
5,247 下載
age_jp 0.1.0
A simpel age calculator for a law of Japan.
112,709 下載
a-gem 0.0.2
th fstst tstng frmwrk.
14,439 下載
agemtest 2.0.0
A simple hello world gem
4,883 下載
agen 0.3.2
Generate shell aliases based on commonly entered commands.
23,734 下載
agency 0.0.1
An actor library that uses the agent library for all of its plumbing.
5,506 下載
agency-jekyll-theme 1.0.0
Agency Jekyll Theme is a single-page theme. It features several content sections, a res...
31,937 下載
agenda 0.1.4
Text analysis package oriented to deconstruct discourse
16,383 下載
agendare-schedule 0.0.2
The basic structure to implement schedule project.
8,852 下載
agendor-ruby 0.0.2
Agendor CRM ruby client
7,941 下載
agendrix-nethris 0.1.24
Ruby SDK for the Nethris API
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agenndy 0.1.1
agenndy is a minimal text-based activity log (or personal agenda). It takes a text fil...
4,467 下載
agens 0.1.0
Agents is a framework for building Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) in Ruby. With support of C...
3,263 下載
agensbobet 888.888.888
1,983 下載
agent 0.12.0
Agent is a diverse family of related approaches for modelling concurrent systems, in Ruby
56,331 下載