RubyGems Navigation menu


agent212 1.2.0

Agent 212 reads and writes user agent fields and provides a basic api to modify them.

3,925 下載

agent99 0.0.4

`agent99` is a Ruby gem designed to facilitate the creation and management of smart ag...

541 下載

agentbase 0.0.0

AI Agents for Ruby on Rails.

285 下載

agent_client 1.3262.24.0

BOSH agent client

1,117,728 下載

agent_cooper 0.0.8

A Ruby wrapper to the eBay Web Services API

38,299 下載

agentdispatcher 0.7.0

Solid infrastructure roots for script based agents

6,692 下載

agent_fix 0.3.0

Interact with FIX connections to send, receive, and inspect messages in cucumber

35,353 下載

agent_helpers 0.0.6

Inspects the user agent for you and allows you to take action based on the users browse...

22,170 下載

agentic 0.1.0

Easily build, manage, deploy, and run self-contained purpose-driven AI Agents.

228 下載

agent_jones 0.0.1

A simple gem to fetch iOS signing certificates from a git repository

6,588 下載

agentless-catalog-executor 1.1.0

ACE lets you run remote tasks and catalogs using puppet and bolt.

10,779 下載

agent_orange 0.1.6

Parse and process User Agents like a secret one

706,773 下載

agent_q 0.0.17

A ruby agent that wraps a head browser that runs a specific Quepid Case and returns if ...

30,947 下載

agent-q 0.0.1

Supplies you with stuff you need, exactly when you need it.

9,235 下載

agent_rb 0.1.0


204 下載

agents 0.1.4

Randomize user agents for HTTP/HTTPS requests per device type.

18,194 下載

agent-s 0.0.3

Allows users to interact with the Energy Transition Model ( through the t...

7,102 下載

agent_smith 0.0.5

A simple gem to fetch provisioning profiles from a git repository and install them

19,861 下載

agent_user 1.1.1


19,067 下載

agentx 0.0.2

A tool for doing things on the Internet.

3,532 下載

agent_xmpp 0.1.3

Agent XMPP is a ruby XMPP bot framework inspired by web frameworks.

21,555 下載

agent_zmq 0.5.0

Acceptance test framework for ZeroMQ applications. Includes some cucumber helpers.

5,014 下載

agery 2.0.0

Integer extensions for generating arrays of ages.

16,394 下載

age_validator 0.1.0

Validate age from a date field in Active Record.

3,762 下載

ageweke-rspec 1.2.9

Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.

6,756 下載

aggcat 1.0.1

Aggcat wraps Intuit's Customer Account Data API in a simple client

198,362 下載


Advanced docker and consul control scripts

202,419 下載

agglomerative_clustering 0.0.5

Ruby Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm

17,294 下載

aggravatar 1.0.0

You give it an email, it gives you a Gravatar URL. What more do you want?

10,944 下載

aggregate 0.2.4

Aggregate is a Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics and includes histogram ...

6,321,604 下載