RubyGems Navigation menu


ai4r 1.13

Ruby algorithm implementations covering several Artificial intelligence fields, includi...

250,772 下載

ai4ruby 1.14

Ruby implementations of algorithms covering several Artificial intelligence fields, inc...

20,760 下載

aia 0.5.18

A command-line AI Assistante (aia) that provides pre-compositional template prompt mana...

11,038 下載

aiagent 0.3.1

AiAgent provides a common way to interact with the APIs provided by OpenAI, Anthropic, ...

925 下載

aiaio-active_resource_throttle 1.0.1

A throttler for ActiveResource requests.

22,260 下載

aiaio-harvest 0.8.2

A wrapper for the Harvest Api. See for details.

11,031 下載

aiakos 0.0.0

Aiakos is a server-side library that will help you build an efficient and sure OAuth2.0...

5,554 下載

ai_and_ml 0.1.0

Add this gem to your project to proudly tell people that your project involves AI and ML

18,011 下載

aibika 1.3.14

Aibika packages a Ruby application into a single executable for the Windows platform. T...

1,535 下載

aibrain 0.1.1

Generates DDG sets useable across methods, to find a larger solution.

4,327 下載


Integrates a chatbot using Python for predictions and training in a Rails application.

1,998 下載

ai_client 0.4.1

`ai_client` is a versatile Ruby gem that offers a seamless interface for integrating a...

1,940 下載

aicommit 1.0.0

You dare use my own spells against me, Human?

2,235 下載

aid 0.2.2

A library to make repo scripts easy and discoverable.

12,521 下載

aidan_ipsum 0.3.0

Generate comedy gold

7,123 下載

aid-common 0.1.6

A.ID Shared Functionality Gem

2,077 下載

aiddata 0.0.1

Ruby Client for the AidData REST API

4,725 下載

aide 1.0.0

Allows a user to mash up keys without multiple calls to Consul

21,881 下載

aidir 0.0.7

aidir - Am I Doing It Right: track and improve your Flog score before merging code to m...

26,364 下載

aidmock 0.4.0

Aidmock, safe mocking and interfacing for Ruby

21,875 下載

aids_info 1.0.0

A very small wrapper around the AidsInfo Drug Info database

6,143 下載

ai-engine 0.4.2

The fastest way to get AI Assistants into your Rails app!

1,025 下載

aif-2020 0.1.0

Aperture in Focus Theme for 2020

2,683 下載

aifactory-commons 0.1.3 commons gem

12,778 下載

ai_games-four_in_a_row 0.4.0

This gem provides a framework that can be used to implement a bot for The AI Games' com...

19,845 下載

ai_games-logger 0.3.0

This gem contains a simple logging facility that can be used in The AI Games' competiti...

6,647 下載

ai_games-parser 0.4.0

This gem provides a parser that can be used to communicate with the game engine in The ...

14,022 下載

aightbox-rails 0.1.3

Display single or group images in a lightbox.

11,560 下載

aight-rails 0.1

Adds the Aight shim into your Rails assets

4,537 下載

aigu 1.2

Aigu is a set of utility to process localization files to generate JSON files to send t...

139,468 下載