RubyGems Navigation menu


akapen 0.0.1

Akapen is grading & report generator

4,723 下載

akapu 1.0.0

Hi order internal lib

144 下載

akapu_firebird_adapter 6.0.1

Forked from "ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter for Rails 6." due to update dependencies ver...

2,095 下載

akari 0.1.0

New Brainf*ck derivation language generator and executor.

2,417 下載

akarin 0.2.0

Gem for using Akarin CSS Framework in Ruby on Rails

38,647 下載

akasha 0.4.0

A simple CQRS library for Ruby.

36,912 下載

akashi 0.0.9

Wrapping aws-sdk

24,885 下載

akashiyaki 0.2.2

Automation for AKASHI .

9,387 下載

aka_time 1.0.4

AkaTime / aka_time / ArieKeren Time adalah Library Ruby Time untuk format Indonesia yan...

28,329 下載

akatosh_bot 0.1.1

Adds a method `self.tamriel` to the Time module that translates Time objects into their...

3,561 下載

akatus 1.0.2

Built to support all types of checkout integration between Akatus and your application

15,855 下載

akatus-rails 1.0.2

Rails goodies for integrating Akatus with your application. Built on top of the Akatus ...

12,069 下載

akatus-rb 0.0.1

Client de integração para Akatus Meios de Pagamento

4,703 下載

akaynak 0.0

This gem is for getting currency data from

4,113 下載

akaza 0.3.2

A cool Whitespace language implementation in Ruby.

11,486 下載

akcache 2.0.1

a cache tool that can reduce xcode archive time

10,531 下載

akc_dog_breeds 0.1.0

Users can see which dog breeds are in each American Kennel Club groups and get more d...

2,335 下載

akchabar 0.1.1

API consumer for Returns USD/KGS, EUR/KGS, KZT/KGS, RUR/KGS, ...

6,874 下載


A slim CouchDB client.

24,601 下載

akdubya-mapel 0.1.4

A dead-simple image-rendering DSL.

7,749 下載

akdubya-rack-thumb 0.2.2

Drop-in image thumbnailing middleware for your Rack stack (Merb, Sinatra, Rails, etc).

4,301 下載

ake 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

2,462 下載

Akeel 0.0.2

A simple hello world gem

10,814 下載

akeel_sir 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

5,451 下載

akelius 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,369 下載

akeneo 1.8.0

API client for accessing Akeneo

28,794 下載

akephalos 0.2.5

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

124,990 下載

akephalos2 2.1.3

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

142,793 下載

akephalos-2s 0.2.4

Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara

6,702 下載


Headless Browser for Integration Testing with Capybara. Includes latest change from ner...

6,253 下載