RubyGems Navigation menu


alchemy_domains 0.1.1

This gem adds domains and associats them with languages. Your website can provide certa...

51,383 下載

alchemy-dragonfly-s3 7.0.0

AlchemyCMS Integration for the Dragonfly S3 datastore.

57,571 下載

alchemy_file_selector 0.1.4


15,655 下載

alchemy-flux 1.6.0

Ruby implementation of the Alchemy micro-service framework

51,212 下載

alchemy-graphql 0.1.0

Description of Alchemy::GraphQL

2,484 下載

alchemy_i18n 4.2.2

Translation files for AlchemyCMS

46,409 下載

alchemy-json_api 2.4.0

A JSONAPI compliant API for AlchemyCMS

59,126 下載

alchemy_kono_mailup 0.0.1

Plugin to integrate mailup into Alchemy

3,212 下載

alchemy_language 1.0.3

AlchemyLanguage is a collection of APIs that offer text analysis through natural langua...

9,587 下載

alchemy-news-sdk 0.9.0

Alchemy News API SDK to access the API

9,248 下載

alchemy-pg_search 6.1.0

PostgreSQL search for Alchemy CMS

14,336 下載

alchemy-richmedia-essences 2.3.0

EssenceAudio and EssenceVideo for AlchemyCMS 4.0

39,134 下載

alchemy_ruby 0.0.1

Read and write Alchemy files in Ruby.

559 下載

alchemy-sdk 0.0.1

SDK to connect to the Alchemy API.

3,191 下載

alchemy-sentry 1.0.0

Adds a Sentry error notifier to AlchemyCMS.

2,185 下載

alchemy-site_bootstrapping 0.1.0

Bootstrap your Alchemy sites

2,797 下載

alchemy-solidus 7.4.0

A AlchemyCMS and Solidus integration

95,265 下載

alchemy_spree 0.3.0

A Alchemy CMS and Spree connector

30,504 下載

alchemy-usermanual 0.9.2

This gem adds a user manual module to your alchemy cms driven application.

4,775 下載

alchy 0.0.2

Play the famous Alchemy game from your terminal.

3,142 下載

alcohol 0.0.0

Coming soon

3,881 下載

al-commands 0.1.0

Display a menu from ./commands.yml with commands executable

2,054 下載

alcove 0.2.3

Painless code coverage reporting for Xcode projects written in Objective-C.

53,691 下載

alco_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.

2,717 下載

ALD 0.1.1

A gem containing helpers for the ALD API, the ALD package format and ALD package defini...

12,117 下載

aldagai 0.1.5

Make zero downtime deployments easier allowing developers to promote environment variables

15,751 下載

alda-rb 0.3.1

A Ruby library for live-coding music with Alda.

10,142 下載

aldebaran 1.0.1

Aldebaran is Web-development DSL micro-framework written with Mathematical Constructions

5,940 下載

alder 0.1.0

A library for transforming hashes

3,463 下載

aldous 1.1.3

Rails brave new world

149,991 下載