alexch-rerun 0.3
Restarts your app when a file changes
7,620 下載
alexckrandomizer 0.1.2
Randomizes stuff
1,566 下載
alex_codebreaker 0.2.3
Codebreaker game business logic
32,914 下載
alex_deploy 0.1.0
Testing of rubygems
2,622 下載
alexdunae-holidays 0.9.4
A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays. You deserve a ...
4,274 下載
alexdunae-validates_email_format_of 1.4
Validate e-mail addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696.
4,270 下載
alexdunae-w3c_validators 1.0.0
W3C Validators is a Ruby wrapper for the World Wide Web Consortium's online validation ...
4,295 下載
alexevanczuk-example-gem 0.1.1
An example gem set up with CI and CD.
775 下載
alexgregianin-knock-knock 0.1.0
Google Data Api ClientLogin Auth in Ruby
4,301 下載
Hopscotch is a framework for making product tours on web pages. This gem makes it easy ...
3,066 下載
RSRuby is a bridge library for Ruby giving Ruby developers access to the full R statist...
7,568 下載
alexius_css_asset_tagger 1.1
Tags assets in Rails app css files with asset query strings.
6,426 下載
alexjp-blackbook_csv 3.0.2
== DESCRIPTION: Blackbook automates the nitty-gritty of importing contacts from variou...
10,949 下載
alexmchale-appconfig 0.0.1
A handy class to handle configuration files.
4,292 下載
alexmchale-commerce-bank-client 0.10.0
CBC is a client for Commerce Bank's website.
34,145 下載
alexmchale-gmail-client 0.3.0
A client to use GMail for sending email.
17,664 下載
alexmchale-red-milk 0.2.2
RedMilk is a client for Remember The Milk.
17,647 下載
alexmchale-wunderground-api 0.1.2
An API to Weather Underground.
14,373 下載
Alexonozor 0.1.1
Write a longer description or delete this line.
3,779 下載
alex_owens_view_tool 0.1.0
Provides generated HTML data for Rails App.
2,979 下載
alexpass 0.1.3
Sorry, but this gem ('alexpass') has been replaced by 'altpass'. See RubyGems https://r...
17,768 下載
alex_r 0.0.3
Allows you execute RScript
15,673 下載
alexrabarts-big_sitemap 0.5.1
A Sitemap generator specifically designed for large sites (although it works equally we...
37,503 下載
alexrabarts-iso_country_codes 0.2.2
ISO country code and currency library
17,675 下載
alexrabarts-IsoCountryCodes 0.1.1
Provides ISO codes and names for countries.
4,265 下載
alexrabarts-term_extraction 0.1.4
Term extraction library
17,434 下載
alexrabarts-tld 0.6.0
Top-level domain library
17,476 下載
alexrevin-aasm_numerical 2.3.1
AASM is a continuation of the acts as state machine rails plugin, built for plain Ruby ...
5,801 下載
alex-rkelly 1.0.6
The RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree.
9,649 下載
alexrothenberg-legacy_data 0.0.11
Create ActiveRecord models from an existing database
24,141 下載