RubyGems Navigation menu


alexrothenberg-metric_fu 1.0.2

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

4,274 下載

Alexsecdemo 0.0.5

A simple hello world gem, do not download it

3,961 下載


basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s...

11,791 下載

alex-test 0.0.2


189 下載

alex-vancoillie-thermostat-exercise 0.1.4

A thermostat gem (small application exercise)

7,481 下載

alex_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications

2,466 下載

alexvishalrps 0.1.2

"Play against another human or the computer. Choose rock paper or scissors."

3,655 下載

alexvollmer-clip 1.0.0

You like command-line parsing, but you hate all of the bloat. Why should you have to cr...

7,606 下載

alexvollmer-daemon-spawn 0.2.0

Daemon launching and management made dead simple. With daemon-spawn you can start, sto...

8,682 下載

alexvollmer-httparty 0.4.3

Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.

14,305 下載

alexvollmer-word_salad 0.9.0


4,223 下載

alexyoung-depwhack 0.0.1

depwhack is a tool for comparing local and remote gem dependencies for a Rails project.

4,254 下載

alexyoung-loom-exceptions-rails-plugin 2.0

Loom is a helpdesk web app which supports exception handling and notifications.

4,317 下載

alexyoung-rsyncdiff 0.0.2

rsyncdiff is a tool for comparing local and remote code. It displays changes, deletion...

7,606 下載

alf 0.16.3

Alf brings a beautiful yet powerful relational algebra to the Shell and to Ruby.

83,203 下載

alfa 0.0.8.pre

Alfa CMF

17,138 下載

alfabank 1.0.0

Unofficial alfabank payment gateway gem

16,567 下載

alfa_bank 0.1.1

AlfaBank api adapter provides friendly interface for comunication with AlfaBank REST API.

6,307 下載


== DESCRIPTION: Facebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[] {R...

10,942 下載

alfa_insurance 0.2.1

Ruby wrapper for ALfaInsurance SOAP API

24,100 下載

alfalfa 0.1.0

Alfalfa can be used to alphabetize cumbersome gemfiles.

7,832 下載

alfalfa-lib 0.0.0

Library and measures to create input and output points in Alfalfa

536 下載

alf-core 0.16.3

Alf brings the relational algebra both in Shell and in Ruby. In Shell, because manipula...

32,615 下載

alf-doc 0.16.4

This gem provides support for using the formal documentation of Alf.

22,228 下載

alfi 1.0.0

Android Library Finder

60,170 下載

alfi2 0.6.1

Android Library Finder

2,724 下載

alfonsox 0.2.8

Tool to detect orthography errors your code files

14,294 下載

alf-rack 0.16.3

This gems provides Rack middleware to use the full power of Alf in web applications.

19,105 下載

alfred 1.0.1

Alfred provides better attr_accessor handling on your application.

20,450 下載

alfred-3_workflow 0.1.0

Easily generate Alfred 3 workflow results in a fluent manner.

4,195 下載