RubyGems Navigation menu


alphatau 0.1.0

SDL gem for ruby

3,070 下載

alpha-thm 0.1.6


2,585 下載

alphavantage 1.2.0

Ruby library for the Alpha Vantage API, a leading provider of stock APIs as well as for...

16,458 下載

alphavantagerb 1.4.0

A ruby wrapper for Alpha Vantage's HTTP API

26,196 下載

alphavcli 0.1.0


2,328 下載

alphmeric 0.0.1

Converts letter to numbers and numbers to letters. For example, '23' will conver to 'W...

5,337 下載

alphonse 0.0.5

Deploy like The Fonz

15,878 下載

alphred 2.0.2

Helper utilities for making Alfred workflows.

25,376 下載

alpinegizmo-xml_serialization 0.1.0

Extends the XML serialization support in activesupport to allow for arrays containing s...

4,216 下載

alpinelab-codestyle 0.8.0

This repository holds linter rules (e.g. Rubocop) that enforce our code style in any pr...

11,902 下載

alpinist 0.1.0

ALPS (Application-Level Profile Semantics) processor

3,683 下載

alpr 0.1.2

Ruby wrapper for openalpr

8,152 下載

alpr_ruby 0.3.0

Ruby wrapper for OpenALPR Cloud API. See https://http://doc.ope...

6,570 下載

alquimiaBinariaTheme 0.1.0

Plantilla per al meu lloc web

2,625 下載

alquran 1.0.0

All the details can be collected of Holy Quran inclduing Parahs, Surahs, Ayahs and Tran...

10,649 下載

als 0.1.0

This is a POC of Envoy ALS Server, only do inspect for each received message

2,816 下載

alsa_aconnect 0.1.5

Control ALSA aconnect util through ruby with zero dependency

10,778 下載

alsa-backup 0.10

ALSA client to perform continuous recording

11,661 下載

alsactl 0.1.1

ALSA wrapper in Ruby, utilizing a purely-abstract C-Ruby API backend and a pure Ruby mi...

4,012 下載

alsa-rawmidi 0.4.0

Realtime MIDI IO with Ruby for Linux via the ALSA RawMIDI API.

24,121 下載

also 1.0.0

A tiny tool for running multiple processes concurrently

3,637 下載

also_energy 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the AlsoEnergy API

8,891 下載

also_migrate 0.3.6

Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.

89,354 下載

also_migrate_nj 0.3.6

Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.

5,373 下載

alsotang 0.0.1

the first gem published by alsotang

4,375 下載

also_validates 0.0.2

An ActiveModel validator that validates associated models, copying any errors from comp...

11,816 下載

als_typograf 0.3.0

Ruby client for ArtLebedevStudio.RemoteTypograf service

48,710 下載

alt159-rails 0.0.3

Easily Add ALT159 to a rails app

14,674 下載

alta_bikes 0.0.1

Wrapper for getting data from Alta Bike share systems

4,112 下載

altadata 0.1.1

ALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications writ...

7,913 下載