alxtz_palindrome 0.1.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
2,768 下載
aly 0.3.5
A simple wrapper for aliyun cli
15,357 下載
am 0.1.7
command note command.
45,896 下載
ama_css 0.1.0
["This gem has been created to standardized use of css files for basic AMA applications."]
25,475 下載
amadeus 5.2.1
Ruby library for the Amadeus travel APIs, providing hotel, flight, airport, and oth...
118,826 下載
amadeus-discover 1.1.0
Ruby wrapper around Amadeus Discover API
2,229 下載
ama-entity-mapper 0.1.0
Converts and instantiates classes from native data structures
8,285 下載
ama_foundation_css 0.0.31
Leverage foundation as the base for AMA's websites
4,090 下載
amagi-captions 1.3.2
Subtitle Editor and Converter written in Ruby. Captions can read/modify/export subtitle...
835 下載
amagi_transcode 0.1.14
Morphs things from one kind to another. Transcodes, in local speak, for example.
836 下載
amajp_crawl 0.0.0
Crawl AsinID any production from Amazonjp via Terminal
2,956 下載
amakanize 0.8.0
Utilities to canonicalize Japanese comic series names and author names.
130,476 下載
ama_layout 11.5.1 site layouts
341,092 下載
amalc-railroad 0.7.11.alpha
RailRoad is a class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications.
2,706 下載
amalgalite 1.9.4
Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...
515,416 下載
CMS based on Mercury Editor
26,080 下載
ama_logger 1.3.0
Log formatters and helper classes for the AMA standardized log format
18,617 下載
amanda 0.0.1
2,891 下載
amanda_palindrome 0.1.0
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
2,093 下載
amanogawa 0.0.2
Listing GitHub repositories which you starred.
7,059 下載
amanuensis 1.0.1
Amanuensis is a changelog generator which integrate with all the major code managers an...
6,786 下載
amanzi-sld 0.0.1
Map styles are often defined using SLD, or Style Layer Descriptor documents. These XML ...
6,284 下載
amar 0.0.0
A simple hello world gem
3,912 下載
amara 0.3.1
Access the API
30,916 下載
amaranth 0.4.0
Library for accessing the Amara REST API
19,167 下載
amardaxini-enginator 0.1.2
A collection of useful generator scripts for Rails engine.
10,746 下載
amardaxini-ruby-gd 0.8.0
An interface to Boutell GD library
6,186 下載
amarillo 0.4.0
A tool for managing Let's Encrypt dns-01 certificates
9,457 下載
a_marmita 0.5.12
Ruby gem to handle most of the "A Marmita" server calls
22,229 下載
amarok-data-collector 0.0.0
Collects data from Amarok's DB to get more interesting statistics
4,108 下載