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amqp-subscribe-many 0.2.2

Codifies best practices and configuration when consuming from multiple AMQP brokers sim...

45,055 下載

amqp-tools 0.0.5

command line tools for AMQP/RabbitMQ

13,356 下載

amqp_topic_binding 0.2.0

A matcher for the AMQP topic binding algorithm

62,707 下載

amqp-utils 0.5.1

Command line utilies for interacting with AMQP compliant queues. The intention is...

81,208 下載

amqurl 0.0.1

AMQP-HTTP compliant curl clone

4,387 下載

amr_google_calendar 0.2.3

A fork of the Google Calendar gem by Steve Zich. The gem is a minimal wrapper around th...

5,193 下載

amrita2 2.0.2

Amrita2 is a a xml/xhtml template library for Ruby

21,715 下載

amr-test-project 0.1.0

Much longer explanation of the example!

2,103 下載

AMS 0.99.0

AMS is placeholder gem for the AMS namespace, used by the active_model_serializers gem.

5,060 下載

am-sendgrid 0.1.0

Makes it easy to call the sendgrid SMTP api from ActionMailer

6,377 下載

ams_hal 0.2.3

Provides an adapter to use with ActiveModel::Serializer so that resources can be serial...

5,120 下載

amsi 1.1.0

Ruby client of AMSI Evolution Suite API

3,895 下載

ams_layout 0.0.4

Generate AMS Portal control field configuration data

9,231 下載

ams_lazy_relationships 0.4.0

ActiveModel Serializers addon for eliminating N+1 queries problem from the serializers.

322,586 下載

amstrad_gpt 0.1.0

Connects over RS232, supports response streaming

302 下載

ams_types 0.1.2

adds types to ActiveModel::Serializers attributes

10,743 下載

ams_var_file 1.0.0

Generate AMS variable declaration files and provide for adding and deleting variables.

3,620 下載

ams-zapix3 0.2.6

Communication with the Zabbix API made easy. This version is compatible with zabbix 3.0

2,436 下載

amt 0.2.0

ruby-amt gives you control over KVM (console redirection via VNC) and SOL (serial-over-...

6,577 下載

amtrak 3.1.0

Scrape train times from

36,711 下載

amtrak_stations 1.0.0

Provides geographical and timezone data on Amtrak stations

2,482 下載

amuhenbergs_palindrome 0.1.0

Ruby palindrome detector

2,505 下載

amun 0.2.0

A CLI editor built to have an Emacs similar development environment, with ruby in the h...

6,802 下載

Amunds-rpx_now 0.5.8

Helper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation

4,238 下載

amusing_git 0.0.5

Brings fun to the git workflow!

10,501 下載

amy 0.3.3

Amy helps us to get a nice web docs, rdoc alike, of our REST API, that we can use as a ...

11,454 下載

amygdala 0.1.1

A simple framework for developing a Battlesnake API

1,248 下載

amzn_sp_api 1.0.6

Ruby Gem for Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API).

4,360 下載

amz_sp_api 1.0.1

Automatically generated by running Swagger Codegen on each model from

116,630 下載

amzwish 0.0.0

Since you can no longer access wishlists through the Amazon api this gem aims to addres...

6,089 下載