an 0.0.3
AN is a simplified client for integration with Authorize.NET.
29,608 下載
ana 0.9.8
A command-line tool for
32,587 下載
anachronic 0.44.0
Removing boilerplate from async code
16,180 下載
anachronism 0.2.0
Anachronism provides a simple Ruby interface to the Telnet protocol.
5,784 下載
anaconda 2.1.2
Dead simple file uploading to S3
122,538 下載
anadea-identity 0.5.4
An authentication bootstrapper for your Rails application.
44,428 下載
anadea-mailsocio-qa 0.1.7
Mailsocio Quality Assurance
24,066 下載
anadea-spark 0.5.0
Spark is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. It is used by anadea to get a jump ...
32,625 下載
anaf 0.1.0
Get information about a Romanian company by interogating the webserbice of the National...
2,681 下載
anaf_habtm 0.0.98
accepts_nested_attributes_for habtm
121,689 下載
anaf-web_services 0.3.1
Ruby Client library for ANAF API
2,107 下載
anagram 0.0.2
The Anagram application searches a dictionary for anagrams of words supplied on the com...
11,437 下載
anagram_algo 2.1
Simple algorithm to find and return list of anagrams from your text input.
10,225 下載
anagram-brytiuk 0.0.1
4,379 下載
anagram_find 0.1.7
Finding Anagram words
5,367 下載
anagram-learnruby 0.0.1
### Anagram
2,596 下載
anagram-mine 0.0.1
Find anagrams of words supplied on the command line
3,626 下載
anagrams 0.0.1
Returns a list of anagrams from a given list of words or from a dictionary
5,209 下載
anagram_solver 0.0.2
Reads a dictionary file and allows a user to find anagrams.
4,788 下載
anais 0.1.0
SEO Twitter.
4,245 下載
anakhi 0.1.0
TicTacToe Gem Project from Viking Code School
2,817 下載
analdiffist 0.4.0
A tool for comparing the complexity and code smells between two git revisions
24,507 下載
analects 0.4.2
Toolkit for Mandarin language learning apps
21,546 下載
analizaruptor 0.3.1
Analizaruptor is a tool that looks for 'break', 'require', and 'provides' commands (and...
17,443 下載
analog 0.4.2
Scale a number from one range or set to another
20,580 下載
analogbridge 0.1.1
Enable users to import any analog media format directly into your app with the Analog B...
5,197 下載
analogger 1.1.0
Analogger provides a fast and very stable asynchronous central logging service capable ...
16,830 下載
analtester 0.0.3
Makes some failing tests for you
11,833 下載
analtex 0.1.1
Text analysis for Ruby
6,167 下載
analysand 4.0.0
A terrible burden for a couch
30,859 下載