anapaula-theme 0.1.2
A theme designed to be used as a blog and portfolio.
3,897 下載
anaphora 0.1.2
Anaphora monad for ruby
15,455 下載
anaphoric_case 0.0.4
You have twenty or so methods, and you want to call the first one that returns somethin...
19,395 下載
an-app 0.0.3
This gem demonstrates executable scripts
6,354 下載
anastasia 0.1.0
i18next JSON generator from yaml
1,953 下載
anatomy 0.4.2
A document authoring system inspired by Scribble.
85,476 下載
anaximander 0.0.2
Web scraper that collects assets and links.
7,586 下載
anbt-sql-formatter 0.1.1
A tool for SQL formatting written in Ruby. Ruby port of Blanco SQL Formatter.
1,854,329 下載
anc 0.1.1
Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one
4,647 下載
ancestors_that_implement_instance_method 0.1.0
get ancestors that implement instance method
3,524 下載
ancestors_visualization 0.1.1
Automatically generate an ancestors-relationship diagram for the gem.
2,079 下載
ancestree 0.1.6
A Rails 3.x plugin that makes inheriting properties simple.
38,445 下載
ancestry 4.3.3
Ancestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organized in a tree structu...
28,074,621 下載
ancestry_direct_children 0.1.4
Adds direct children count to ancestry models
8,295 下載
ancestry_joins 0.1.1
Provides scopes to join ancestry records in bulk.
37,040 下載
ancestry-treeview 0.0.2
An extension of ancestry gem to show a tree view
10,289 下載
ancestry_uniqueness 0.0.2
Uniqueness validator when using the ancestry gem.
11,531 下載
anchor 0.1.2
Before, after and around method calls.
28,653 下載
anchord 0.0.1
The simpliest way to turn letters into human readable guitar chords.
4,117 下載
anchored 1.1.0
Ruby auto linker based on rails_autolink. It wraps links in text with HTML anchors.
344,279 下載
anchor_for 0.0.1
HTML anchor rails helper
6,194 下載
anchorman 0.9.5
Extract release notes from your git log
36,852 下載
anchormodel 0.2.4
Bringing object-oriented programming to Rails enums
5,469 下載
anchor-pki 0.8.0
Anchor is a hosted PKI platform for your internal organization.
15,297 下載
anchorrb 0.2.0
Convert any string to be used as a valid HTML anchor
3,614 下載
anchor-rb 0.1.0
Anchor is a hosted PKI platform for your internal organization.
1,871 下載
anchors 0.1.5
Add anchors to your h1-h6 tags in Middleman or Rack
17,677 下載
anchor_ui 0.1.0
UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.
2,419 下載
UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.
2,333 下載
UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.
2,347 下載