angular-table 0.0.7
Html tables with sorting and pagination.
31,819 下載
angular-tabs 0.0.2
Simple angular directive for declaring tabs.
8,289 下載
angular_template 0.0.1
The handy way to utilize angular templates in rails using Sprockets
3,850 下載
angular-templates 0.0.2
Include your angular templates as part of the Rails assets pipeline.
6,800 下載
angulartics-rails 0.15.19
angulartics packaged in gem form
15,547 下載
angular-translate-rails 2.6.0
angular-translate is an AngularJS module that makes your life much easier when it comes...
74,311 下載
angular-translate-rails-tf 2.15.2
angular-translate is an AngularJS module that makes your life much easier when it comes...
6,808 下載
angular-turbolinks 0.1.0
Rails Turbolinks + Angular
22,011 下載
angular-ui-bootstrap 0.10.0
Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Twitter's Bootstrap.
4,800 下載
angular-ui-bootstrap-rails 2.4.0
Injects Angular.js UI Bootstrap directives into your asset pipeline.
1,239,956 下載
angular-ui-calendar-rails 0.8.1
Injects AngularJS UI Calendar directives into your asset pipeline.
10,619 下載
Injects Angular.js UI into your asset pipeline.
72,761 下載
angular-ui-router-rails 0.2.15
Angular UI Router: State-based routing for AngularJS ... for Rails!
75,789 下載
angular-ui-select2-rails 0.1.1
angular-ui-select2 packaged for Rails assets pipeline
30,886 下載
angular-ui-select-rails 0.18.1
Asset pipeline compatible version of
109,036 下載
angular-ui-sortable-rails 0.0.2
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
17,033 下載
angular-ui-tinymce-rails 0.1.1
See more on
4,803 下載
angular_ui_tree_rails 0.1.5
Drag and Drop Tree UI for Angular
28,281 下載
angular-ujs 0.4.13
Ruby on Rails replacement for unobtrusive scripting library `jquery_ujs` implemented in...
54,597 下載
angular_url_parser_rails 0.1.0
Get simple methods to manipulate url parts
4,680 下載
angular_velocity 1.0.0
Setup new rails projects for angular/jasmine, includes generators for angular MVC files.
16,734 下載
angular_webdriver 1.0.8
Angular webdriver.
44,664 下載
angular_xss 1.0.0
Patches rails_xss and Haml so AngularJS interpolations are auto-escaped in unsafe strings.
74,593 下載
angumine 0.0.1
Angumine makes it easier to parse one or more templates (or parse recursively) for refe...
4,659 下載
angus 0.0.14
Angus is a simple and powerful framework to build REST APIs using Ruby.
74,006 下載
angus-authentication 0.0.7
Offers authentication for rack applications.
34,240 下載
angus-remote 0.0.16
Provides a client for making requests and building responses to remote services.
57,116 下載
angus-router 0.0.4
Angus-router is a powerful router for your next generation of awesome Rack applications...
30,184 下載
angus-sdoc 0.0.8
Used to read the documentation of a service built in angus (but also is able to read an...
53,131 下載
anhpham 0.1.4
Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to testing o...
11,924 下載