RubyGems Navigation menu


anmsm_ruby 0.0.4

The anmsm-ruby Gem gives you access to ANMSM API.

8,363 下載

ann 0.2.0

Nothing special, just method annotations done right!

13,253 下載

anna 0.1.0

A simple theme for Jekyll.

2,280 下載

annal 0.0.4

Loads up files. Parses YAML/JSON and other stuff maybe.

16,973 下載

annals 0.0.3

Buffered backtraces with start/stop.

17,568 下載

anna_palindrome 0.1.0

Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector

2,002 下載

anncrsnp 0.1.7

AnNCR-SNP integrates data from various sources, allowing the user to investigate the po...

21,107 下載

anndb_api 0.0.2

AnnDB client for Ruby

4,268 下載

anne 1.0.0

Run rubocop on the files you've recently changed.

3,750 下載

annealer 0.3

Simulated annealing framework

10,912 下載

annealing 0.4.0

Simulated Annealing algoritm implementation.

5,795 下載

annex 0.0.2

Annex leverages chef-solo to allow you to provision and update mutliple servers by look...

4,819 下載

annex_29 0.2.1

Unicode annex 29 compliant word segmentation

508,304 下載

annex-cms 0.5.0

An inline editor CMS powered by redactor, devise and mongodb. Up and running in seconds

54,200 下載

anngler 0.0.5

Anngler is an approximate nearest neighbor search for points in n-dimensional space tha...

6,921 下載

annict 0.0.1

Annict API v1 client library, written in Ruby

2,882 下載

AnnieNumbers 0.1.0

Some stuff with numbers

2,663 下載

anniversary 2.0.1

Adds the method Date#years_months_days_since which returns the number of days, months a...

32,964 下載

annlat 0.0.1

Learnleague gem for containg used libraries

4,129 下載

annotable 0.1.2

Provides a simple way to add annotations to your method declarations.

880 下載

annotate 3.2.0

Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...

69,274,514 下載

annotate_controllers 0.0.1

Annotate Rails controllers with routes information.

4,976 下載

annotated 0.1.1

Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...

451 下載

annotated_models 3.0.2

Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top or bottom of each of your models

12,916 下載

annotated-rails 0.0.2

Y.a. Rails models annotation

10,805 下載

annotate_gem 0.0.14

Clarify your dependencies by adding a detailed comment to each line in Gemfile specifyi...

241,857 下載

annotate_gemfile 0.1.2

Adds gem descriptions from Rubygems to every gem in the Gemfile

8,977 下載

annotate_models 1.0.1

This is my own re-write of an earlier version ...

52,180 下載

annotaterb 4.13.0

Annotates Rails/ActiveRecord Models, routes, fixtures, and others based on the database...

367,181 下載

annotate_routes 0.0.1

Annotate Rails routes to your controllers

4,012 下載