any_channel_json_schemas 0.15.0
JSON schema files for the Zendesk Channels Framework.
54,014 下載
anychart_helpers 0.2.0
AnyChart will build the necessary XML files and some helpers to support some AnyChart c...
14,341 下載
any_chart_proxy 0.1.1
Any Chart file proxy
6,105 下載
anychart_xml_builder 0.0.12
This gem provides you the methods to easily generate the XML necessary for AnyChart
55,688 下載
any_data 0.1.2
Small helper which provides and IO like ruby's DATA for $0, but for any file.
16,890 下載
any_data_client 0.1.0
Official Ruby client for AnyData API
1,075 下載
anyfetch 0.1.7
Anyfetch provides abstraction layer around multiple protocols to allow accessing files ...
16,693 下載
anyflake 0.0.1
Pure ruby independent ID generator like the SnowFlake, ChiliFlake
178,011 下載
any_good 0.0.5
Is that gem any good?
11,183 下載
anyhash 0.0.1
Hash functions based on RHash
4,402 下載
Anyhub 0.0.0
An object oriented Ruby interface to Anyhub, a file storage service by Charlie Sommervi...
6,222 下載
anyicon 1.0.2
Ruby on Rails View Helpers for any icon collections that have github repository available.
807 下載
any_logger 0.1.5
A DSL for simplifying modification of Rails LogSubscribers
470 下載
any_login 1.6.0
Simply add this gem to your application and make your life easier with switching users.
272,702 下載
any_login_multiple 0.1.9
Easy way to login with devise, multiple model
15,775 下載
any_mail_finder 0.1.0
Ruby client for AnyMailFinder API
3,257 下載
anymock 0.2.4
simple mock server for development.
12,019 下載
anyparser-core 0.1.0
A Ruby SDK for Anyparser Core
156 下載
anyplayer 1.2.1
Play/pause/skip songs in iTunes Mac, iTunes Windows, Spotify Mac, Rdio Mac, MPD, Rhythm...
45,619 下載
anypow 0.0.3
Pow for any language
13,170 下載
anypresence-icons 0.1.3
Icons for AnyPresence products.
22,372 下載
anyq 0.0.1
A gem that prints a random quote form a collection
668 下載
any_query 0.1.5
An ORM for any data source (SQL, CSV, TSV, REST API).
1,790 下載
any_sms 0.4.0
Simple and flexible solution to send sms in ruby, supporting variety of sms services.
6,602 下載
any_sms-backend-aws 0.1.1
AnySMS backend for using amazon web services sms delivery
7,031 下載
any_sms-backend-smsru 0.1.0
AnySMS backend for service
2,870 下載
any-spec 0.1.0
AnySpec is a framework for writing executable language specifications and automated bla...
15,633 下載
anystream 0.0.0
Ruby streaming client for any backend
2,402 下載
any_strong_parameter 0.0.1
Gem of
3,082 下載
anystyle 1.5.0
A sophisticated parser for academic reference lists and bibliographies based on machine...
111,738 下載