RubyGems Navigation menu


aozora_zip 0.6.0

tool to handle zip file archived in aozorabunko

1,878 下載

ap 0.1.1

Ruby gem for interfacing with the Associated Press Breaking News API

816,320 下載

ap4r 0.3.7

Asynchronous Processing for Ruby.

61,866 下載

apa102_rbpi 1.1.1

Simple library to drive APA102/Dotstar LEDs using a Raspberry Pi.

26,298 下載

apache_authtkt 2.1.1

Ruby client for mod_auth_tkt. See

15,889 下載

apache-authtkt 1.1.0

Ruby client for mod_auth_tkt. See

8,514 下載

apacheconf 1.0.3

A YAML based configuration tool for setting up sites on apache2 in ubuntu or similar de...

21,412 下載

apache_config 0.1.1

Parses Apache config files, allowing for changes and then can output again

96,709 下載

apache-config-generator 0.2.7

A Ruby DSL for programmatically generating Apache configs

51,904 下載

apachecrunch 0.6

Apache Crunch is an analysis tool for Apache logs. You write little scripts to do the ...

29,174 下載

apache_felix_api_client 0.1.1

API for interacting with an Apache Felix system.

5,199 下載

apache_felix_webconsole_client 0.1.1

Client for Apache Felix Web Console API. List bundles, configure services, etc.

4,968 下載

apache_image_resizer 0.0.9

Apache module providing image resizing functionality.

35,974 下載


Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its p...

9,979 下載

apache-loggen 0.0.5

dummy apache-log generator

19,990 下載

apache-log-geo 0.0.4

An offline GeoIP CLI filter for Apache (common, combined) logs. It's like grep but with...

7,880 下載

apache_log_parser 1.1.0

Library to easily parse standard Apache log files.

11,484 下載

apache_log-parser 3.1.2

Parse apache log including common, combined and customized format

27,871 下載

apachelogregex 0.1.0

Apache Log Regex is a Ruby port of Peter Hickman's Apache::LogRegex 1.4 Perl module. ...

47,818 下載

apache_log_report 1.1.11

Generate requests reports in HTML, OrgMode, and SQLite format from an Apache log file. ...

34,040 下載

apache_log_tail 0.0.3

Presents lines from an Apache log file that were written since the previous invocation....

13,451 下載

apache_secure_download 0.2.2

Apache module providing secure downloading functionality, just like Mongrel Secure Down...

73,356 下載

apache_server_status 0.1.2

A simple ruby gem that provides a pretty web interface to track apache server status in...

6,763 下載

apache_sling_api_client 0.1.0

API for interacting with a Sling system.

3,007 下載

apache_upload_merger 0.0.3

Apache module providing upload merging functionality.

15,114 下載

apache-vhosts-parser 0.2.1

Parses apache2 vhosts. Have a look at the spec files to see how the API works!

11,283 下載

ap_active_merchant 1.5.2


6,466 下載

apadmi_grout 2.7.0

Apadmi build tool utils for use through Fastlane on Android and iOS.

68,418 下載

a-panzer 1.0.0

A. Panzer game

4,538 下載

ApApiTools 0.1.2

Various Tools to interact with AP from a console. Bulk upload, Image downloads

6,675 下載