appifier 0.3.0
Appifier : Applications templating and management tools
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appify 0.2.2
Port of Adam Backstrom's appify: turns shell scripts into Mac OS X applications. Unmain...
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appilf 0.1.0
Provides quick access to Flippa's API methods exposed to the public
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app-info 3.3.0
Teardown tool for ipa, apk, aab, hap mobile files and Windows, macOS and dSYM file, eve...
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appinsights 0.0.6
Application Insights AutoInstaller for Ruby
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appinstaller 0.0.1
description of gem
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appium_capybara 3.1.2
Enables appium support in Capybara.
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appium_connect 1.1.23
Looks for USB Connected devices and registers them as Appium Nodes on Selenium Grid
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appium_connect_pi 1.1.0
Looks for USB Connected devices and registers them as Appium Nodes on Selenium Grid
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appium_console 4.1.1
Appium Ruby Console.
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appium_doc_lint 0.0.11
Appium Doc Lint.
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appium_flutter_finder 0.7.1
Finder for appium-flutter-driver
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appium_instrumenter 0.1.6
Part of calabash-android ruby gem to instrument and resign apk. This will modify appium...
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appium_lib 15.2.2
Ruby library for Appium.
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appium_lib_core 9.4.0
Minimal Ruby library for Appium.
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appium-project 0.1.0
Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
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appium-rspec-bootstrap 0.0.1
Appium + rspec bootstrap
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appium_rspec_setup 0.1.5
Makes Appium Rspec set up a snap!
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appium_thor 2.0.6
Thor tasks for Appium gems.
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appium_twine 0.0.1
Appium plugin for twine that enables C# generation for use with Xamarin.Forms.
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Appjam is iOS code repository, including framework, snippet, generators, etc.
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appjob 0.0.14
Simple rails sheduler, which run ruby code in current environment
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Appjob 0.0.1
user can schedule a ruby code in the current rails-environment
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appjs 0.0.8
That's how we structure the JS in our Rails-apps.
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appjs-rails 1.0.6
The additional library for javaScript.
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appkernel 0.3.0
validate, call, and curry your way to fun and profit!
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appkit 0.0.3
Rails app toolkit.
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app_kit 0.0.2
AppKit provides a full framework for rapidly creating data driven application through a...
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app_konfig 1.1.0
Lightweight app configuration for Rails
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appl 1.18
A base class for command line applications doing options parsing and generating exit co...
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