appygram-rails 1.0.6
appygram-rails sends uncaught Rails exceptions as traces to the hosted messaging servic...
49,019 下載
app-yml-rails 0.1.2
An awesome app.yml gem for Rails. Supports App.settings.nested_setting syntax, all/prod...
14,358 下載
apraez_view_tool 0.1.0
Adds general HTML data to Rails apps.
2,416 下載
apralib 1.0.0
A Ruby client for the Apra Service
19,310 下載
aprendizaje_maquina 0.1.4
This is a gem to help ruby developers to write machine learning algorithms easier and f...
14,169 下載
apress-api 1.24.2
20,034 下載
apress-changelogger 0.0.1
6,917 下載
apress-documentation 0.4.0
10,622 下載
apress-moysklad 0.1.0
Tools for synchronization with MoySklad online-service
3,403 下載
apress-validators 0.1.0
The gem is supposed to contain validators that can be used ac...
8,844 下載
apress-yandex_market 0.2.1
Tools for synchronization with Yandex.Market
11,850 下載
aprico 0.0.2
A Jekyll theme for
5,024 下載
apricot 0.0.2
A compiler for a Clojure-like programming language on the Rubinius VM
8,535 下載
apricoteatsgorilla 0.5.13
SOAP communication helper
26,580 下載
april 0.0.0
IRC Client Library
6,194 下載
aprilfools 4.1
2,539 下載
april_oneil 0.0.2
xctool reporter
8,163 下載
apriori 0.2.2
Ruby Apriori is a library to efficiently find item association rules within large sets ...
11,525 下載
apriori-algorithm 1.0.1
Apriori Algorithm implementation in Ruby
11,866 下載
Ruby Apriori is a library to efficiently find item association rules within large sets ...
12,654 下載
apriori-ruby 0.0.9
Ruby implementation of Apriori Algorithm
15,810 下載
apromise 0.1.1
Promise implementation for Ruby Async
4,425 下載
apron 0.1.1
Feature flags for chef nodes
6,699 下載
apropos 0.2.0
Apropos helps your site serve up the appropriate image for every visitor. Serving multi...
42,798 下載
aprova_facil 1.4.0
Gem para integração de aplicação Ruby com o gateway de pagamento Aprova Fácil da Cobre ...
24,045 下載
aproxacs-s3sync 1.3.6
Fork of s3sync to be compatible with ruby 1.9.
44,494 下載
aproxacs-sms_client 0.1.5
Free SMS libraray in Korea
10,425 下載
aproxacs-storyq_client 0.1.1
This library makes it easy to use storyq's Open API. You can easily upload documents a...
16,805 下載
aprs_is 0.1.2
Gem that implements the APRS-IS specification
4,917 下載
Allows you to interact with the APRS-IS network with your ruby applications
4,187 下載