RubyGems Navigation menu


arch_presenter 0.1.6

This lightweight implementation of presenter pattern allows you to extract the presenta...

12,172 下載

archruby 0.3.0

Compliance and Architectural Visualization in Ruby systems

13,116 下載

archy 0.0.0

Database Designer Gem

4,153 下載

arcjet 0.0.0

A placeholder release for the Arcjet Ruby SDK.

442 下載

arc-laravel 0.0.4

Capistrano files for deploying Laravel apps at Architect

7,646 下載

arc_length 0.0.2

Calculate arc length for a given radius and arc measure

6,802 下載

arclight 1.4.0

A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...

40,965 下載

arco 0.8.2

A fixed sidebar, two column masonry grid jekyll theme.

32,534 下載

ar-column-as 0.0.3

Adds a few simple helper methods that can be used with ActiveRecord::select.

10,304 下載

ar_condition 0.0.2

The SQL Condition builder for ActiveRecord Ruby on Rails.

10,327 下載

ar-configurator 1.1.0

Fatten your models with key/value pairs

6,753 下載

ar_connection_pool 1.0.0

ar_connection_pool was developed by: markbates

6,124 下載

arcopy 0.0.1

Dump and load relational objects between Ruby environments.

2,109 下載

ar_counter 0.0.1

A simple model to model stats/counter. It behaves similar to ActiveRecord counter cach...

5,389 下載

arcrest 1.1.0

Wrapper for ArcGIS REST API

16,278 下載

arcrud 1.0.0

Angular Rails CRUD Operation.

3,866 下載

arcserver.rb 0.1.5

A library for accessing ESRI ArcServer REST APIs from a unified interface

34,703 下載

ar_csv_importer 0.2

Easily add CSV import tools to any ActiveRecord model.

8,433 下載

arctica-autorization-rails-plugin 0.1


5,453 下載

arctic_admin 4.3.1

A responsive theme for Active Admin

2,576,411 下載

arcticelvis 0.0.1

ArcticElvis will help you get more fish, aka sell more. This is a fishing pole.

4,411 下載

arctic-scroll-rails 1.0.0

A simple jQuery link scroll-to plugin for your Rails asset pipeline

3,579 下載

arctic-ui 0.1.0

This is a wrapper for http interactions with the Arctic e-shop core API, allowing to ea...

2,524 下載

arctic-vendor 1.0.1

This exposes a series of normal usage endpoints for Vendors to communicate with the Cor...

13,961 下載

arcus 0.1.8

API and client CLI tool for cloudstack

56,007 下載

arc_weld 0.3.13

Toolkit for building ArcSight resources

14,035 下載

ard 0.2.0

A gem to help create and organize commands in Apple Remote Desktop

3,418 下載

arda 0.1.0

Arda project description tbd

2,281 下載

ar_database_duplicator 0.0.2

Duplicate a complete or partial database with ActiveRecord while controlling sensitive ...

4,855 下載

ardb 0.30.0

Activerecord database tools.

130,529 下載