RubyGems Navigation menu


ascm 0.1.0

ASCM reads ENV varaibles into a class, providing methods to ensure a setting is ava...

2,699 下載

ascmaster 0.0.0

Ascmaster converts images to ASCII characters.

4,072 下載

ascode 0.7.10

Experimental esoteric golfing language

80,583 下載

as-combined-metrics 1.0.6

AWS custom combined metric CloudWatch tool

19,602 下載

ascon 0.0.1

A simple hello world gem

828 下載

ascraper 0.0.7

A Scraper.

16,677 下載

ascribe 0.1.0

No longer supported - please use active_attr (

27,914 下載

ascriptor 0.12.0

Service object base class for defining attributes & defaults with a nice DSL

5,147 下載

as_csv 3.0.1

Instant CSV support for Rails

250,911 下載

ascuchiii 2.0

A gem to get a cute ASCII cuchi easily aka ASCUCHIII

5,286 下載

asd 0.0.0


1,616 下載

asdawqw 2.1.1

![example image]( "An exemplary im...

2,130 下載

as_deprecation_tracker 1.6.0

Tracks known ActiveSupport (Rails) deprecation warnings and catches new issues when an ...

403,571 下載

asdf 0.5.0

Use Rack::Directory to rackup the current directory on port 9292 for availability in a ...

17,709 下載

asdf-discover 1.0.0

Simple command to discover what should be in ASDF's .tool-versions file

1,976 下載

as_dialed_from 0.2.4

Figure out how a number should be dialed from another country. A fork of a port of Goog...

41,641 下載

asdrubal 0.1.0

Simple helper for time series analysis

5,146 下載

as-duration 0.1.1

Extraction of ActiveSupport::Duration and the related core extensions.

57,920 下載

ase 2.0.0

Reader/writer for Adobe Swatch Exchange files

28,145 下載

asearch 0.1.0

Approximate pat match.

8,742 下載

aseldawy-quick_magick 0.6.0

QuickMagick allows you to access ImageMagick command line functions using Ruby interface.

4,088 下載

ase-palette 0.9.2

Read and write Adobe Swatch Exchange files.

5,354 下載

a_series_of_tubes 1.3.1

a web development framework

22,392 下載

aserto 0.31.3

Aserto Middleware

10,915 下載

aserto-authorizer 0.20.2

Ruby generated GRPC client for Aserto Authorizer

4,742 下載

aserto-directory 0.31.4

Ruby generated GRPC client for Aserto Directory

4,655 下載

aserto-grpc-authz 0.0.7

Ruby generated GRPC client for Aserto Authorizer

5,296 下載

aserto-rails 0.31.0

Aserto authorization library for Ruby and Ruby on Rails

4,361 下載

aservice 0.0.2

Gem for running services asynchroniously

2,085 下載

asetus 0.4.0

configuration library with object access to YAML/JSON/TOML backends

267,335 下載