RubyGems Navigation menu


action_policy-graphiti 0.2.1

This gem allows you to use a JSON:API implementation (Graphiti) with ActionPolicy

4,719 下載

action_policy-graphql 0.5.4

Action Policy integration for GraphQL-Ruby

1,406,981 下載

actionpool 0.2.3

The ActionPool is an easy to use thread pool for ruby.

43,562 下載

ActionPool 0.2.3

The ActionPool is an easy to use thread pool for ruby.

123,247 下載

action_prefixer 1.0.0

It appends a path to searching partial views

7,390 下載

actionpresenter 0.2.0

A lightweight presenter implementation for Ruby on Rails.

8,385 下載

action_presenter 1.1.6

Missing link between models and views. Use presenter pattern in Rails application witho...

83,344 下載

action-presenter 0.2.0

Simple Presenters

10,444 下載

action_presenter-base 0.1.0

Provides presenter logic to views.

2,780 下載

action_processor 0.0.8


3,428 下載

action_profiler 1.0.0

A profiler for Rails controllers

13,784 下載

action_pubsub 0.2.1

In process, async, concurrent pubsub

10,167 下載

action_push 0.1.4

ActionPush is a lightweight tool which allows you to organize Push notifications the sa...

10,521 下載

actionpusher 1.0.0

Apple Push Notifications for Rails. Compose and deliver push notifications for iOS

23,620 下載

action_pusher 0.0.1

Render views to Pusher from anywhere in your application

23,151 下載

actionquery 0.0.0

ActionQuery is a module that encapsulates query building so you don't have to tuck scop...

1,071 下載

action_query 1.0.0

Use this gem to provide an easy JQuery based wrapper for your routes.

7,884 下載

action_recipient 0.3.0

Prevents accidental email delivery in non-production (typically staging) environments b...

63,493 下載

action_report 0.0.1

FIX (describe your package)

9,205 下載

action_reporter 1.4.1

Ruby wrapper for multiple reporting services

9,347 下載

action_requires 1.0.2

action_requires was developed by: markbates

30,734 下載

action_resource 0.0.0

Presentation layer for easy creation of Forms, derived fields, formatted values, with s...

4,218 下載

actions 0.1.0


3,308 下載

actionscaffold 0.3.5

Better default templates for Rails scaffold generator.

22,466 下載

action_scheduler 0.1.0

Description placeholder

3,541 下載

action_scribe 0.0.0

Action Scribe is the foundation of AlexaRailsKit SSML output. It allows for easy render...

2,722 下載

action-segue 1.1.0

Control Rails redirect flows with smarter redirect logic

10,280 下載

action_sentinel 0.3.0

This gem enables access authorization control, based on the access permission settings ...

1,035 下載

action_sentinel_group 0.1.0

Group access authorization control, based on controllers actions access permissions usi...

463 下載

action_sequence 0.1.3

A small gem for managing sequences of actions over a shared-context

6,839 下載