activeaclplus 0.4.2
A flexible, fast and easy to use generic access control system.
35,913 下載
active_action 0.1.1
A tidy DSL to express batch actions
5,915 下載
active_activity_api 0.1.1
Ruby wrapper for activity search v2 API
6,525 下載
active_adapter 0.1.0
Simple implementation of the adapter pattern
4,341 下載
activeadmin 3.2.5
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
36,834,827 下載
active_admin_access_control 0.2.0
Through the gem you can create the dynamic role and permissions for different types of ...
553 下載
activeadmin_ace_editor 0.3.0
An Active Admin plugin to use Ace Editor
42,927 下載
activeadmin_active_resource 0.3.0
An Active Admin plugin to use Active Resource
119,322 下載
active_admin-acts_as_list 0.0.8
Provides sortable_columns helper in active admin resource definitions.
67,322 下載
active_admin_acts_as_list_integration 0.0.6
Works with ActiveAdmin 0.5
9,671 下載
activeadmin_addons 1.10.2
Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui
8,004,499 下載
activeadmin_addons_rails6 1.7.2
Set of addons to help with the activeadmin ui
2,815 下載
active_admin-advanced_create_another 0.1.1
Create another resource with strength by default in your ActiveAdmin forms.
5,887 下載
activeadmin-ajax_filter 0.7.0
Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages usi...
366,390 下載
activeadmin_ancestry_view 0.0.5
Ancestry tree view in ActiveAdmin resource
16,414 下載
active_admin_api_only_initializer 0.1.0
Active Admin Initializer for Rails API-Only
2,585 下載
activeadmin_assets 1.0.2
Run ActiveAdmin v4 without asset setup.
1,024 下載
activeadmin_associable 0.1.5
A dropdown menu for your ActiveRecord relations between ActiveAdmin Resources.
12,003 下載
active_admin_associations 0.1.0
A dropdown menu for your ActiveRecord relations between ActiveAdmin Resources.
3,231 下載
activeadmin_associations 0.1.3
This extends ActiveAdmin to allow for better editing of associations.
5,575 下載
activeadmin_async_export 0.0.3
ActiveAdmin plugin for email delivery of CSV exports.
26,147 下載
activeadmin-async_exporter 0.1.0
Async exporter for Active Admin using ActiveJob
2,203 下載
activeadmin-async_panel 0.3.0
Allows to define special attributes for ActiveAdmin panel to make it AJAX loadable and ...
574,977 下載
activeadmin-audit 0.1.4
Allow to track changes of records which done through ActiveAdmin
13,433 下載
active_admin_auto_select 0.1.10
This gem helps you build nice filters in Activeadmin. It combines Select2, PostgresSQL ...
17,285 下載
active_admin-awesome_nested_set 0.0.8
Provides sortable_columns helper in active admin resource definitions.
100,610 下載
activeadmin-axlsx 2.1.2
This gem uses axlsx to provide excel/xlsx downloads for resources in Active Admin. Ofte...
53,060 下載
active_admin_basic_authorization_adapter 0.1.0
Warning, this gem is just a test for now has not a good test coverage. Feel free to o...
7,921 下載
active_admin_bbs 1.1.1
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
10,677 下載
activeadmin_blaze_theme 1.1.0
An ActiveAdmin theme based on Blaze CSS UI toolkit
222,742 下載