RubyGems Navigation menu


authpds-nyu 0.2.13

NYU libraries SSO client.

114,695 下載

authpilot 0.0.1


4,043 下載

authpro 1.1.0

Simple Rails authentication generator

29,796 下載

auth_provider 0.0.3

A simple authentication provider for Ruby/Rails app. Designed for mobile clients and is...

6,727 下載

auth_proxy 0.1.1

This is a simple reverse proxy for Rack. It is not meant for production systems (althou...

6,336 下載

auth-proxy 1.0.2

Auth Proxy App (supports user / pass, oauth2)

7,273 下載

authpwn_rails 0.23.0

Works with Facebook.

321,167 下載

authql 0.0.0

This gem is intended for use with it's npm package counterpart 'authql'.

2,477 下載

authr 0.1.1

Mountable engine with user management and authenthication in your API.

6,664 下載

auth_rails 1.1.2

Simple authentication for Rails

1,810 下載

authralia 0.0.4

An authentication dedicated to Mike Tyson based on his favorite place, Australia!

2,101 下載

auth_redis_user_connector 0.0.9

Auth Redis User Connector.

26,069 下載


This is the Authress SDK used to integrate with the authorization as a service provider...

10,293 下載

authrocket 3.7.0

AuthRocket client for Ruby.

75,932 下載

auth_scope 0.0.1

Authorization library using namespaced strings. Great for OAuth 2.0 APIs.

4,283 下載

auth-service-authenticator 0.1.1

Utilizando a gem 'auth-service-authenticator', você irá plugar o serviço de autenticaçã...

5,011 下載

authsignal-ruby 5.0.0

Authsignal is a passwordless authentication/multifactor authentication with modern fact...

27,430 下載

auth-slice 0.1.0

Merb Slice that provides user authentication

6,015 下載

authsome 0.0.1

Agnostic authorization integration for Trailblazer.

3,655 下載

authstrategies 0.1.43

AuthStrategies is a Warden implementation for sinatra.

47,917 下載

auth_strategist 0.7.0

Simple gem to realize API actions authorization with different strategies.

8,250 下載

auth_three 0.1.2

Automate basic authentication for your coding challenges

4,818 下載

auth_token_store_provider 1.2.1

Client provider library for the authentication token storage service

37,517 下載

auth_tool 1.0.2

General Purpose OAuth Tool

9,051 下載

authtools 0.4.0

Thanks to authtools you can easy generate salted password hash, validate it or generate...

21,698 下載

authtown 0.5.0

Rodauth integration for Bridgetown

1,528 下載

authtrail 0.6.0

Track Devise login activity

2,321,733 下載

auth-transis-client 0.0.5

This is the client for TransisApps

21,071 下載

auth_user_by_ae 0.0.1

The implementation plan the user auth.

3,800 下載

authy 3.0.1

Ruby library to access Authy services. This gem is deprecated, please see the README fo...

15,710,676 下載