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activeadmin-blog 0.4.4

Blog app on the top of activeadmin and mongoid.

44,812 下載

activeadmin-cancan 0.1.4

Provides CanCan roles to ActiveAdmin

287,600 下載

active_admin-cep_auto_complete 0.2.5

Auto complete your addresses fields with Brazilian CEP (zip code).

16,608 下載

activeadmin-chat 1.0.1

ActiveAdmin chat plugin

10,967 下載

activeadmin_ckeditor 0.0.3

A plugin that allows you to easily drop Ckeditor into ActiveAdmin.

11,554 下載

activeadmin-ckeditor 0.0.19

Rich text editor for Active Admin using CKEditor.

87,870 下載

activeadmin_ckeditor5 0.1.5

Rails activeadmin integrated CKEditor 5

7,096 下載

activeadmin_cms 0.0.9

CMS functionality based on ActiveAdmin

39,534 下載

activeadmin-cms 0.0.1

Converts ActiveAdmin into a simple CMS

9,982 下載

active_admin-codigo5_signature 0.1.0

Easily add Codigo5 Web Signature to your ActiveAdmin footer.

3,317 下載

active_admin_csv_import 2.0.0

CSV import for Active Admin capable of handling CSV files too large to import via direc...

68,752 下載

active_admin_csv_with_bom 0.1.0

Generate csv with byte order mark for Active Admin

3,257 下載

activeadmin_custom_layout 0.1.9

This gem extracts ActiveAdmin page components as content_for tags using rails CaptureHe...

22,909 下載

activeadmin_dark_color_scheme 0.1.13

A dark color scheme for ActiveAdmin Ruby CMS. This gem provides Sass files that you can...

9,378 下載

active_admin_date_range_preset 0.3.1

Integrate useful fast links to set date ranges in to ActiveAdmin, for example today ran...

37,137 下載

active_admin_datetimepicker 1.1.0

Integrate jQuery xdan datetimepicker plugin to ActiveAdmin

2,816,052 下載

activeadmin_decorator 0.4.0

Decorate Rails models in ActiveAdmin. With `ActiveAdmin::ArbreDecorator` you can keep y...

1,662 下載

active_admin_delayed_job 1.0.2

View all, running, failed, and queued jobs. Retry failed jobs.

11,733 下載

activeadmin_draggable 0.1.0

Active admin sortable add on

47,829 下載

activeadmin-dragonfly 0.1.1

For convenient use of dragonfly attachments within ActiveAdmin, this gem adds a new inp...

5,030 下載

activeadmin-dropzone 0.2.6

Easy to use integration of drag&drop files upload via dropzone.js for ActiveAdmin

38,610 下載

activeadmin-dry-validation 0.1.0

Validate your ActiveAdmin resources through dry-validation

8,395 下載

active_admin-duplicatable 0.4.0

Allow user duplication of ActiveAdmin resources using the power of the Amoeba gem. Reso...

31,583 下載

activeadmin_dynamic_fields 0.8.0

An Active Admin plugin to add dynamic behaviors to fields

276,356 下載

activeadmin_dynamic_table 0.2.0

Allow to controll activeadmin table columns from the UI. (Show/hide/resize/reorder tabl...

1,178 下載

active_admin_editor 1.1.0

Rich text editor for Active Admin using wysihtml5.

225,977 下載

active_admin-elastic_stats 0.0.4

Active Admin component to display elastic statistics.

7,551 下載

active_admin_environment 1.0.0

Change ActiveAdmin page style by environment

68,389 下載

active_admin_environment_tag 0.0.4

An ActiveAdmin plugin that provides tags on the admin panel to indicate which environme...

11,878 下載

active_admin_excel_upload 0.1.1

active_admin_excel_upload gem brings convention over configuration for your excel uploa...

5,187 下載