RubyGems Navigation menu


auto_migrations 1.1.0

Smart migrations based off db/schema.rb

8,341 下載

auto_migrations_rails4 1.0.0

Auto database migration for Rails 4.

4,733 下載

automobile 0.1.5

A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile

91,513 下載

automobile_calculator 0.0.1

Automobile Calculator.

4,045 下載

automobile-ruby19 0.0.13

A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile

5,807 下載

automobile_trip 0.2.0

A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile trip

52,710 下載

automock 0.0.6

Auto-generate mock_data of JSON API response from your request-specs.

15,766 下載

auto_mock 0.2.1

auto define mock_xxx methods

15,063 下載

automodel 0.1.0

Expose all tables and relations in a database as AR models ready for use.

2,430 下載

automodel-sqlserver 0.1.0

A fork of "automodel" with the proper dependencies for use with SQL Server.

2,505 下載

automotive-ecu 0.1.9

Provides an interface for exporting/importing signals and labels to various automotive ...

2,117 下載

automux 0.3.1

Highly configurable Tmux Automator

19,531 下載

AutoNic 1.0.3

Create a silly name for your server automatically from it's Mac address

15,937 下載


autoNumeric.js library automatically formats currency and numbers. With an ujs flavor i...

1,046,521 下載

autonzb 0.5.5

Ruby tool to automatically download x264 HD nzb movies files from &

20,322 下載

AutoNZB 0.5.4

Ruby tool to automatically download x264 HD nzb movies files from &

33,891 下載

autopage 0.0.12

A Rails Plugin to convert long text into multi tab page.

59,101 下載

autopagerize 0.1.0

Concat paginated web pages to single page

9,477 下載

auto_paragraph 1.0.0

Same as Wordpress' wpautop() function

18,274 下載

autoparse 0.3.3

An implementation of the JSON Schema specification. Provides automatic parsing for any ...

14,076,136 下載

autopen 0.0.6

Autopen writes your (OAuth) signatures for you. That's all it does. Simple.

25,681 下載

autoperf 1.1.0

Autoperf is a ruby driver for httperf, designed to help you automate load and performan...

14,107 下載

autopilot 0.0.4

AutoPilot is a Selenium Fitrunner launcher.

10,951 下載

auto_pilot 2.0.0

convert your stackoverflow to a github blog

23,392 下載

autopilothq 0.0.5 api client

14,665 下載

autopilot-rails 0.1.1

With Autopilot for Rails you can generate a starting point for your next SaaS project. ...

3,067 下載

autopopulater 0.2.0

Autopopulate Rails model attributes via remote APIs

1,270 下載

autoprefixer 0.0.1

Autoprefixer in ruby

2,874 下載


Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website.

133,591,261 下載

auto_preload 0.2.0

A gem to run nested preloads/includes from string.

8,088 下載