autosftp 0.0.6
"sftp automatically"
13,679 下載
A example gem for automation team
7,077 下載
autoshell 1.0.6
Library for automating shell tasks in Autotune
16,344 下載
autosiege 0.0.2
A ruby CLI wrapper to siege
10,034 下載
autosign 1.0.1
Tooling to make puppet autosigning easy, secure, and extensible
59,169 下載
Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit ...
172,465 下載
autosize-rails 1.18.17
Rails asset pipeline wrapper around jQuery Autosize:
447,261 下載
auto-space 0.0.4
19,906 下載
autosparkle 0.1.1
Autosparkle is a command-line tool that automates the delivery of macOS apps outside th...
836 下載
autospec 0.0.3
Helper to build test automation framework with rspec and capybara
6,704 下載
auto_specs 0.0.1.alpha.2
Don't Write Specs Yourself.
6,913 下載
autospec.watchr 0.0.6
Intelligently runs your specs as you edit files.
20,084 下載
auto_sprite 1.1.3
CSS Sprites can get you down, don't let them. This gem automatically creates the CSS, ...
35,089 下載
auto_sql_formatter 0.1.2
Format and rewrite sqls by dir unit
7,138 下載
autossh 0.0.10
An SSH connection helper
23,830 下載
autostacker24 2.9.0
AutoStacker24 is a small ruby gem for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks. It is a thin ...
1,417,179 下載
autostats 0.2.0
Scrapes data from to get all relevant information specific to a car based...
9,662 下載
autostrip 1.0.4
Automatically strip leading and trailing whitespace
9,752 下載
auto_strip_attributes 2.6.0
AutoStripAttributes helps to remove unnecessary whitespaces from ActiveRecord or Active...
7,049,686 下載
auto_strong_parameters 0.0.5
Automatic require and permit of Strong Paramters for your Rails forms.
1,935 下載
autostruct 0.1.0
Classes derived from Autostruct do not need to save the arguments to `initialize` a...
3,129 下載
autostyle 0.1.0
Make it easier to merge CSS styles together for a HTML element
3,492 下載
autosub 0.4.1
Ruby tool to automatically download subtitles (srt) inside your TV Shows folder
10,966 下載
autosuggest 0.3.0
Generate autocomplete suggestions based on what your users search
38,361 下載
autosuggest-rb 0.1.6
This is a gem that wraps the AutoSuggest javascript plugin
28,055 下載
autotable 0.0.2
Rails plugin to auto-generate Bootstrap-compliant HTML tables from model collections
7,745 下載
autotab-rails 0.0.4
AutoTab is a is a jQuery plugin that provides auto tabbing and filtering on text fields...
14,177 下載
autotag 1.0.0
Autotag content gem
5,030 下載
auto_tagger 0.2.11
Helps you automatically create tags for each stage in a multi-stage deploment and deplo...
405,786 下載
auto_tagging 1.1.2
A ruby wrapper library for all current top tags/keywords/terms extraction services , th...
20,196 下載