RubyGems Navigation menu


autotest_screen 4.0.3

Autotest::Screen shows autotest/autospec progress on GNU Screen's status line.

23,585 下載


Update Gnu Screen caption with autotest results. Specifically, when autotest is ...

6,809 下載

autotest-snarl 0.0.4

This makes more easy to see autotest messages using Net::Snarl

14,888 下載

autotest-spec 0.1.0

Autotest plugin to enable spec-style test filenames.

14,493 下載

autotest-standalone 4.5.11

Autotest, without ZenTest

541,596 下載

autotest-stumpwm 0.0.5

autotest の結果を Stumpwm で表示します。autotest-growl にどっぷり依存してます。

29,904 下載

autotest-suffix 1.1.0

Autotest plugin to enable rails-style test filenames.

3,423,542 下載

autotest-tmux 1.4.0

displays autotest/autospec progress on tmux status-right.

32,976 下載

auto_timezone 0.0.2

Automatically infer and set `` with each web request.

6,642 下載

autotolk 0.1.5

This gem makes locales in tolk translate automatically (using bing).

17,792 下載

autotools 0.0.1

Implementation Autotools functionality on Ruby language. DO NOT USE (in development).

4,148 下載

auto_truncated_logger 0.0.2

logger of auto truncated old file.

12,663 下載

autotune 0.1.0

AutoTune is a library that automates the task of adding metadata to music with the help...

2,804 下載

autotuner 1.0.2

Get suggestions to tune Ruby's garbage collector

229,446 下載

autotvnzb 0.1.1

Ruby tool to automatically download tv shows nzb from

10,931 下載

auto_type_doc 0.1.1

Automatic type documentation powered by Ruby's runtime information

2,436 下載

autoup 1.1.3

Logs in onto vBulletin forum boards, finds all user's threads and bumps all the posts

34,396 下載

auto_uuid 0.1.0

auto set uuid column with an universal unique id

6,022 下載

auto_validate 0.0.4

This gem looks at the schema for any validations that it can easily apply based on know...

14,175 下載

auto_validations 0.0.4

Extract validations from your database information

19,047 下載

autoversion 0.5.4


18,575 下載

auto_view_model 0.1.0

Automatic view models

2,452 下載

autovrsion 0.0.4

A command line that uses Rugged and Listen for automatic versioning of files.

12,885 下載

autowatchr 0.1.5

Provides some autotest-like behavior for watchr (

50,337 下載

autoweb 0.0.2

Automate the Internet. baidu music downloader

5,907 下載

autowebreplay 0.1.0

automatic playback of web requests for testing

5,492 下載

autowidthjs 1.2

Automatically adjusts the width of the object *input* to the width of the content.

11,066 下載

autowow 0.17.1

Set of commands to AUTOmate Way Of Working

71,354 下載

AutoZest 0.0.2

a threadsafe non-blocking asynchronous configurable logger for Ruby.

10,915 下載

autumn 3.1.11

Autumn is a simple and modular irc framework

21,346 下載