RubyGems Navigation menu


avantage 0.1.0

A Ruby client to the Alpha Vantage API

30,066 下載

avante_rails 0.0.4

Highly customizable, plugable and mobile friendly css framework.

14,124 下載

avantgarde 0.3.0

Avantgarde checks your projects' dependencies for outdated packages and informs you by ...

5,742 下載

avanti 0.1.0

Avanti is a base Rails project that you can upgrade. Use Avanti if you're in a rush...

2,692 下載

AvantiConveniences 1.0.7

AvantiConveniences is a set of convenience code for Ruby on Rails applications.

11,054 下載

avant_utils 0.0.1

Códigos Ruby reutilizados em projetos da Avant

1,982 下載

ava_rails_generator 0.0.3

rails generator for avasys corp.

9,636 下載

ava_rb_toolbox 0.0.1

Small useful additions to ruby standard classes

4,671 下載

avarteq-email2sms 0.5.1

Free and pure Ruby E-Mail to sms gateway including an extensible filterchain to filter ...

10,230 下載

ava_scaffold_generator 0.0.3

scaffold generator for avasys corp.

9,770 下載

avataaars 0.2.3

Ruby wrapper library to call to avataaars React component using NodeJS

13,421 下載

avatar 0.2.0

Adds support for rendering avatars from a variety of sources.

35,864 下載

avataree 0.6.4

Ruby DSL for Gravatar profile and images

47,113 下載

avatari 2.0.2

Add avatars to ActiveRecord models.

10,349 下載

avatarize 0.1.0

Create nice avatars from your user's initial

2,249 下載

avatarly 1.6.1

Avatarly is a simple gem for Ruby that creates gmail-like avatars with initials, inspir...

606,980 下載

avatar_magick 1.0.2

A Dragonfly Plugin for generating on-the-fly Gmail style avatars

182,497 下載

avatar-o-matic 0.0.2

Generate random avatar images for your tests

29,001 下載

avatarro 0.1.0

Generate avatars (gmail-like) in your apps

34,117 下載

avatars_for_rails 1.1.4

A Rails engine that allows any model to act as avatarable, permitting it to have a comp...

193,758 下載 0.1.5

Hosted User Avatar Service for your Apps and Site. Load avatars easily from Twitter, Fa...

28,220 下載

avatar_store 0.0.3

helper methods for, the free, simple avatar holding service

3,809 下載

avatax 24.12.0

A Ruby wrapper for the AvaTax REST and Search APIs

6,302,154 下載

Avatax_AddressService 2.0.1

Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.

44,326 下載

avatax_client 0.2.1

Reduce the burden of integration with the Avalara Avatax API. Av...

7,655 下載

avatax-ruby 0.1.0

Ruby client for Avatax

1,776,643 下載

Avatax_TaxService 2.0.2

Ruby SDK provides means of communication with Avatax Web Services.

221,835 下載

avaticon 0.0.7

A library for getting web service user icon.

10,322 下載

ava_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated html data for Rails.

2,629 下載

avaya 0.0.6

If you are looking to talk to you Avaya Ip Office then this is the gem for you!

16,564 下載