RubyGems Navigation menu


active_admin_relationship_filters 0.1.0

Provides a few more filter options to ActiveAdmin allowing you to easily traverse relat...

9,825 下載

activeadmin_reorderable 0.2.1

Add drag and drop reordering to ActiveAdmin tables.

860,411 下載

active_admin_role 0.2.2

Role based authorization with CanCanCan for Active Admin

850,971 下載

active_admin_scoped_collection_actions 1.0.1

Plugin for ActiveAdmin. Provides batch Update and Delete for scoped_collection (Filters...

310,921 下載

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

1,788,831 下載

activeadmin-select2 0.1.8

With ActiveAdmin-Select2 you are able to chose Select2 as a drop-down entry option in F...

354,698 下載

activeadmin_selectize 0.3.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Selectize.js (jQuery required)

84,485 下載

activeadmin_select_many 0.4.2

An Active Admin plugin which improves one-to-many and many-to-many associations selecti...

46,798 下載

activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61

ActiveAdmin CMS extension

350,523 下載

activeadmin-settings 0.4.4

Easy to use general purpose settings backend for activeadmin

174,785 下載

activeadmin_settings_cached 2.3.1

UI interface for rails-settings-cached in active admin

175,972 下載

active_admin_sidebar 2.0.0

extension for activeadmin gem to manage sidebar

568,326 下載

active_admin-sidekiq_stats 0.0.2

Active Admin component to display Sidekiq statistics.

5,393 下載

activeadmin_sidekiq_stats 0.1.2

Sidekiq Stats In ActiveAdmin Dashboard

18,299 下載

activeadmin_simple_form 0.1.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Simple Form in place of Formtastic in edit views

2,641 下載

active_admin_simple_import 0.0.14


44,169 下載

active_admin_simple_life 0.1.6

This gem provide the ability to create ActiveAdmin resourceswith 1 line and avoid code ...

60,416 下載

activeadmin_simplemde 1.3.0

An Active Admin plugin to use SimpleMde Editor

57,410 下載

activeadmin-simpletrail 0.1.1

Track model's changes(by activeadmin), without database migration.

11,077 下載

active-admin-skin 0.1.7

skin for active admin.

35,710 下載

activeadmin_skin_mk 0.0.1

ActiveAdmin theme for MKechinov studio

4,258 下載

activeadmin_slides 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7,769 下載

activeadmin_sortable 0.0.1.pre

Extends ActiveAdmin to provide a page on which to sort a model's instances.

2,843 下載

activeadmin-sortable 0.0.3

Drag and drop sort interface for ActiveAdmin tables

838,796 下載

activeadmin_sortable_table 1.3.0

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

234,390 下載

active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0

SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.

494,722 下載

activeadmin-sqlpage 0.2.1

Add page to your ActiveAdmin panel that allow execute raw SQL requests and show result ...

13,150 下載

active_admin-state_machine 1.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

24,776 下載

active_admin-subnav 1.1.1

Currently, ActiveAdmin resets the top navigation menu to display the sub navigation men...

60,017 下載

active_admin_theme 1.1.4

Flat design for activeadmin gem

1,589,661 下載