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activeadmin-nested-namespaces 0.1.2

This plugin allows you to register resources/pages with nested namespaces in ActiveAdmin.

6,701 下載

activeadmin-orac 1.0.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

6,999 下載

activeadmin-orderable 0.1.2

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

189,983 下載

activeadmin-orderable-table 0.0.1

Drag and drop order interface for ActiveAdmin tables

10,211 下載

activeadmin_pagedown 0.0.2

Pagedown widget for ActiveAdmin.

39,223 下載

active_admin_pagination 0.2.1

Provides a pagination 'per page' interface for ActiveAdmin. It renders a sidebar sectio...

12,276 下載

active_admin_paranoia 1.1.0

This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that batch restore and batch archive actions will be av...

470,472 下載

active_admin_paranoia_2 1.1.1

This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that batch restore and batch archive actions will be av...

2,551 下載

activeadmin_polymorphic 0.3.6

This gem extends formtastic's form builder to support polymoprhic has many relations in...

47,246 下載

activeadmin-poro-decorator 0.2.0

Inspired by to not use draper while decorati...

170,286 下載

active_admin_pro 0.2.4

A collection of styles and scripts that make Active Admin better.

41,383 下載

activeadmin-qiniu_input 0.1.0

ActiveAdmin Inputs for using qiniu to upload image or video.

2,856 下載

activeadmin_quill_editor 1.2.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Quill Rich Text Editor

1,227,274 下載

activeadmin-rails 1.7.1

A rapid development framework for Ruby on Rails.

777 下載

activeadmin-rb 1.6.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

9,737 下載

activeadmin-redactor 0.2.1

Redactor WYSIWYG Editor Integration for ActiveAdmin resources.

22,999 下載

activeadmin-refinerycms-authentication 0.0.5

A Refinery CMS and activeadmin connector

10,223 下載

activeadmin-reform 1.1.0

Provides ability to use form object in your ActiveAdmin application

65,327 下載

activeadmin-regex-input 0.2.2

A simple filter input for active admin with checking at client if input match predefine...

14,053 下載

active_admin_relationship_filters 0.1.0

Provides a few more filter options to ActiveAdmin allowing you to easily traverse relat...

9,942 下載

activeadmin_reorderable 0.3.3

Add drag and drop reordering to ActiveAdmin tables.

971,332 下載

active_admin_role 0.2.2

Role based authorization with CanCanCan for Active Admin

1,104,978 下載

active_admin_scoped_collection_actions 1.0.1

Plugin for ActiveAdmin. Provides batch Update and Delete for scoped_collection (Filters...

333,733 下載

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

2,251,361 下載

activeadmin-select2 0.1.8

With ActiveAdmin-Select2 you are able to chose Select2 as a drop-down entry option in F...

359,635 下載

activeadmin_selectize 0.3.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Selectize.js (jQuery required)

91,603 下載

activeadmin_select_many 0.4.2

An Active Admin plugin which improves one-to-many and many-to-many associations selecti...

48,443 下載

activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61

ActiveAdmin CMS extension

355,045 下載

activeadmin-settings 0.4.4

Easy to use general purpose settings backend for activeadmin

176,582 下載

activeadmin_settings_cached 2.3.1

UI interface for rails-settings-cached in active admin

182,373 下載