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active_admin_themely 0.0.3

Tenji's Custom CSS and Bootstrap CSS for Active Admin

4,249 下載

activeadmin-therole 0.0.4

ActiveAdmin and TheRole integration

5,227 下載

activeadmin_tiny_improvements 0.1.5

A collection of small visual improvements to classic ActiveAdmin theme. This gem provid...

3,916 下載

activeadmin_tinymce 0.2.4

This is a wysiwyg html editor for the Active Admin interface using TinyMCE. Editor supp...

62,025 下載

active_admin_tokeninput 0.0.32

Turn fields to a token autocomplete in active_admin

17,849 下載

activeadmin-translate 0.2.2

Translate your models in ActiveAdmin with Globalize3.

56,758 下載

active_admin_trix 0.0.3

A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -

66,672 下載

activea_dmin_trix 0.0.1

A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -

2,393 下載

activeadmin-trix 0.0.1

A activeamdin input for the Trix Editor -

7,457 下載

activeadmin_trumbowyg 1.1.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg Editor

173,519 下載

activeadmin_ueditor 0.2.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Ueditor Rich Text Editor

636 下載

active_admin_usertasks 1.0.0

This provides some rake tasks to solve issues with activeadmin as used in production. ...

27,257 下載

active_admin_versioning 0.3.0

Good for auditing or versioning for Active Admin

22,348 下載

active_admin_with_bootstrap_4 0.1.4

Customized BS4 active admin theme

11,590 下載

active_admin-workflow 0.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & workflow

4,073 下載

activeadmin-xls 3.0.0

This gem provides excel/xls downloads for resources in Active Admin.

265,513 下載

activeagent 0.0.0

A simple way to perform long running LLM background jobs and streaming responses

254 下載

active_aggregate 0.0.3

A toolkit for building queries like ActiveRelation. Rich support for more flexible merg...

4,418 下載

activeai 0.1.5

A pack for building AI-backed routes and controllers, plus a collection of helpers for ...

2,679 下載

active_analysis 0.5.0

Collection of Active Storage analyzers

12,447 下載

active_analytics 0.3.0

NO cookies, NO JavaScript, NO third parties and NO bullshit.

38,357 下載

active_annotation 0.0.1

Really soon in the best Gemfiles.

4,515 下載

active_annotations 0.4.0


33,048 下載

activeantipattern 0.1.0

A collection of useful anti-patterns.

3,126 下載

active_any 0.0.8

A utility for quering interface to any objects like ActiveRecord. This gem support for ...

18,357 下載

activeapi 0.0.2

An out of box API built for Rails.

17,037 下載

active_api 0.2.1

An api layer for ruby

24,002 下載

active_application 0.3.1

Application framework for Rails

40,729 下載

active_archive 6.1.0

Prevent database records from being destroyed.

94,982 下載

active_archiver 0.1.5

Provide export / import to ActiveRecord

16,751 下載